
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Vote for Eric Jacobson for HMGS Board of Directors

 One day, I will follow the wise advice of William Tecumseh Sherman, but for now, I have been nominated as a candidate from the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society (HMGS) Board of Directors, so I will run, and if I get enough votes, I will proudly serve if elected.  

A micro-armor Sherman in every garage and a 15mm chicken in every mini case. 
I've spent enough time as a member of HMGS to know what's going on (and what's NOT going on.)  I've participated with the HMGS Teacher's Program and HMGS Next Gen (the separate organization) to continue to expand the pipelines youth to do more than offset the perpetual "graying of the hobby" 

The biggest problem with the BoD that even a 5-year mission like Star Trek is subject to the whims of a small electorate and limited terms.  The foundation of a program or plan might barely be set and a new group of candidates get elected with wild-eyed ideas.  Do we want growth? Do we want stability?  Do we want collaboration?    I'm game to consider anything, so long as there's a practical application AND we have the manpower to pull it off.  We're not shrinking down to two cons and we're not going to pie-in-the-sky Baltimore Next Level, but to review the options, and nip speculation with fact-based decisions through multiple lines of communication sounds fair.  

And yes, most of that has been looked at before, but it's time to act like Sisyphus and push that boulder back up the hill. 

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