
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 4, 2024

🧙‍♂️(Georic Gazetteer) Kingdom of Crosedes

Kingdom of Crosedes
Pantheon: Ferasean, Elemental Cults and Druidic faiths are accepted in most places
Ruled:  Geoffrey II Silvershield
Capital:  Hydincall (300,000)
Other Cities: Rowand City, Budihonne, Hochhoch, Dechie, Orlane.
Language: Ferasean, Trade Prythax
Flag/Emblem: Astrolabe and Mason's Square surrounded by a mixture of Senzar and Ferasean style designs.

Coinage: Crosedes Standard, although most regional coins from former Ferasean states are accepted.
Important Personas:  The Archbishop of Hydincall (Center of the Akana Faith), Duke Nobquin of Nobquin's Keep.  Petty gladiatorial gangsters and gamblers in Hydincall, Reston of Akoli, active gladiator stable owner, former champion; “Prince” Clarence & Cell Boron, retired gladiatorial stable owners, now using their fortune to ensure no enslaved persons reach the arena.
Alliances: Alois and Aragain through marriage. Argos through technology/magicks
Hostilities: Drow elves crossing the border from Agenmoor.  Hostile court intrigue with Emron.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing:  None
Intrigues: Attempts by the King for reunification of the western lands through marriage.  King Geoffrey has actively tried to reunite greater Crosedes by marriage.  Princess (now Duchess) Wendolin of Alois married Crown Prince Cassius of Crosedes, and recently Geoffrey married off  Princess Cassandra to  Prince Ulrecht of Aragain.  
Demi-Humans:  Halflings, Gnomes in the northwest and central regions, Dwarves along the Ras-Prythax, Skyforge, and Mercadian borders. Elves are still hated in most regions.
Magickal Devices:  The Sun Crown, Marifold's Ironbound Grimoire, and dozens of intermediate power items.  Taragarth, the ancestral sword of the Feraso Empire is hidden here.

Thumbnail Sketch:  Despite stretching its borders to penetrate the Senzar Empire, the lands of Draloite, Ferrand and the County of Rowand represented the border of "civil" Ferasean civilization.  While few remember the betrayal of the Ilvablight Elves betraying Feraso by letting the Galmar Barbarians, most Crosedeans were taught all their lives of the elves of Agenmoor giving the barbarians safe passage through the forests to sack and pillage the western lands, destroying any chance of Feraso recovering.   While there are a handful of elves in the Kingdom, for each success story, there are twenty cases of a elves simply disappearing in the night.  

When the Galmar barbarians finally reached the Draloite capital of Hydincall, they slayed the duchal family of Charles III.  Gran Duke Cesmir Raptillius Crosedes of the Duchy of Ferrand, upon pushing out the already retreating barbarian hordes, seized control of Draloite for himself, establishes the Kingdom of Crosedes, stretching from the Starfall Channel to the Mer Med.

Unlike the dozens of independently sovereigns of Ras-Prythax, weakly pledging allegiance to the Krugraf.  The dominions within Crosedes acknowledge the King as the true ruler, but they largely maintain their ability to rule free of meddling from Hydincall.  

The capital of Crosedes, Hydincall, is the crown jewel of the Kingdom, and the author would not be surprised if it overtakes Feraso City as the grandest on the continent.   Not only is the city the base of operations for the Church of Akana, the state religion of all old Feraso claims, but it houses a well-respected Magical Lyceum for most spellcasters, an impressive Thieves Guild, and a one of the the largest Gladiatorial arenas in the know world.  Travelers come from all over the world to participate in, or simply witness, what is described as the greatest gladiatorial games in the world, a "World Championship" if you would.

Behind the well-respected Knights of Feraso and the reviled Knights of Talmark, the Knights of Crosdes are known for their three tiers: Red, White, and Blue.  Red Knights are the lowest level of nobility in the Kingdom and are usually awarded to worthy heroes of the realm.   The White rank is reserved for those who administer truth, justice, and when appropriate, mercy.  Blue Knights are the true military strategists of the order, leading fellow Knights, or any other troop type into battle. 

Lady Eydis, Blue Knight of Crosedes, Paladin of Akana

Beyond their legions of of knights, Crosedes is dabbling in producing windship technology.  

The New Eagle, their first ship, was released only three years ago to great acclaim. 

Religion:   Hydincall is seat of all power of the god, Akana.  Like Ras-Prythax, Akana is the state religion of Crosedes, but the greatest requirement is that every dominion within the Kingdom have at least one constructed temple for internal worship.  Guya is the actually the largest worship deity, with shrines everywhere.  With the lax rules on worship, the rest of the Ferasean Mythos can be found everywhere, and a number of other minor gods have pockets of influence. 

Geography of Note: 

Hydincall:  The capital of the Crosedes is not the largest city on the continent (yet), but it has become the brightest star.  Seat of religious power for Akana, home of the gladiator world championship, a well respected magic and rogues schools, and the creation of a windship yard downriver make this city a must-see for most travelers of the western lands of Talaishia. 

The Radeau River flows through the city, and provides transportation and trade from Lansluck near the dwarven lands, past Hydincall, into Pojunct Lake and finally empties in to the Starfall Channel, along the mout of the river become very wide but too shallow for ocean going vessels.

Recommended Lodging:  

Rufemi's Master Traveler - Overpriced for basic services but Rufemi's descendants will guarantee that your stay should feel like a far-off world. 

Henley’s Inn - If one is willing to travel further away from the sights of the city, Henley's is the more affordable option.  

Recommended Food:  

Rufemi's, Henley's and a dozen inns and restaurants in the city are phenomenal, but the author's favorite top is Sliman’s Strolling Salami Wagon.  Seven generations in business, The mild, hot, and "sun's sweat" salami sandwiches, at two silver each, are the best deals in the city.  Even the homemade ginger beer and grog (5cp/4sp) are quite palatable compared to established taverns.  

The High Cathedral of Akana in Hydincall is quite modest.

Gran Duchy of Alois:  This independent Duchy has a history of joining Crosedes then breaking away.  See the country own entry in this gazetteer, but be aware if Alois does not have its own listing in the future, information should be found under this listing.  

Budhionne (formerly Omsjik): A major trading hub on the Radeau in the middle of the Kingdom, it's town leaders have fought hard for years to remain effectively a small city-state which pledges fealty to the King alone and no other nobles. Worchire Goodbody, a halfling, leads the group that runs the city.  A figurehead city administrator “mayor” appointed after a fixed election

Budhionne is the nearest town of import to Lake Apotheosis a windy body of water formed along the Radeau.  Home to the burial crypts of some of the later Ferasean Kings, this is a small pilgrimage site, as above the crypts, the spider-god Baraxus the Destroyer revealed himself to the masses awaiting the second coming of one of the Ferasean Kings.  It sparked a massive three day battle, tens of thousands were killed, and in the end, the short-lived reign of the Third Ferasean Empire was established (1072)

Lake Apotheosis

Dechie (formerly Eding):   Once a small farming community along the Radeau, Dechie has expanded into a well respected town of agriculture and industry.  Some of the ranchers have somehow acquired llamas and they have acclimated nicely to the region.  Dechie Ruled by Baron Hopius D’Echelon, while his young son is Shepton. "D’Echie" Manor is the baronial castle,  located 1⁄4 mile upriver.  Pathfinder is an agricultural estate and bird sanctuary, is one mile downriver.   Dechie Ruled by Baron Hopius D’Echelon, son is named Shepton. 

Recommended Food and Lodging: 

The Blue Wizard Inn, of great acclaim during the Battle of Apotheosis, did indeed survive the battle (or exactly, the second construction) and was taken over by the innkeeper's two daughter.   Neglectful maintenance and a few fires ultimately forced the family to sell to a washed up magic-user, Emirkol the Chaotic.   He remodeled the Blue Wizard and renamed it the Green Griffon Inn (with a few fire resistant charms and enchantments everywhere.  He passed away in 1142 and his bastard son, another wizard, Alarak, Son of Chaos, has taken over with little issue.  

The Griffon has retained much of the charm as the Wizard, and it also brews and sells the only Tazian Fire-Ale available anywhere.  For a substantial fee, one may buy drinks for, and hear tales of the actual Battle of Apotheosis from elf Torm Touchberry, retire Captain of the Baronial Guard.  

The Green Wizard Inn

Across the Radeau is the mystical Nightwod Forest.  A dark, congested forest is home to a number of fantastical beasts, and at least one or two large tribes of goblins.   Legends still tell or a hideous but quite powerful witch that patrols within.  Keeping the goblins in, and the humans out. 

Entrance to the Nightwood, directly across the river from Dechie.

Also within the borders of the barony is a "micro-shire" of three very successful halfling villages, Elmshire, Lowdale, and Welldale, with great food and incredible artisans.  


Lansluck:  This logging community is near the headwater of the Radeau.   It is known for it's spectacular views, and an alleged distillery run by kobolds.  

The Fabled Falls Above Lansluck

Rowand City:  The major city in southern Crosedes, Rowand is a completely corrupt, but necessary part of the Crosedean economy. Count Flamesco Zobryho runs the city and county independent of royal decrees.  Travelers beware!  

Pojunct Lock:  Part of the largest canal which makes the Chaploupe River navigable down to the Radeau.  

Illicid Lighthouse: Largest lighthouse in Lake Detang, downriver from Hydincall.  

Jhuk Lighthouse: Protects ships from the rocks and shallow waters of the Radeau as it empties into the  Starfall Channel. 

Dominion of Agyre:  A small stretch of land with the Duchy that surrounds the capital:  Rule by Sir Thorton, Red Knight of Crosedes (Cavalier).  Shrewsdale is a small village, known for the Shiny Spear Tavern, a famed healer (Shiela), and a nearby monastery.  

Duchy of Sworin:  Less than twenty years ago, along the west central cost, the towns of Hochhoch and Orlane were part of small baronies, and the village of Saltmarsh was independent.  In a moment of political crisis in Hydincall, a powerful mage name Dalmar Sworin. managed to conquer the mashland and create the independent Duchy of Sworin.  It seemed to only last two years until the magic-user allegedly died and the King finally brought sufficient militiamen to crush the rebellion, but the damage had been done.  High Priest Maurice Thiviers, of Orlane, was name Military Regent for all of Sworin in 1138. 

Within the past few years, a more navigable harbor has been discovered just a mile from original Saltmarsh, as well as quite rich fishing lanes.  Saltmarsh is now a destination village for those looking for a better life.  Many are coming for jobs and riches. 

Mentions of Crosedes in the Blog: 
In the Lost Dispatches of Feraso Elsderth Greyhawk of the Order of Merit relocates to Crosedes in 1045, approximately 105 years prior to this Gazetteer.   
The Ballad of the Pigeon God takes place primarily in Crosedes 1069-1072, and culminates in the Battle of Apotheosis. 
The Journey of Mutumbo regards a proto-group to the world famous Burning Trogs Adventuring Company, and occurs in Crosedes and Alois.  
The Burning Trogs Rule #5 includes the wanderings of Valkyrie Warrior-Priestess of Sif, Cecelia Darkspruce as she returns to the "Duchy" of Sworin.  
My only RPG Blog Carnival article covers the anthropological implications of the area around the Barony of Dechie, namely the ruins of the Temple of Alasku.

GM Notes:  The Kingdom of Crosedes has been my default setting within Talaishia/Georic since the Spring of 1991.  I remember carrying a binder around school with " CROSEDES" taped along the binding and repeatedly trying to explain what it was.  

There is a a lot more, including a map, once I dig them out. 

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