
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 11, 2024

(Kickstarter) Savage Battlelords - Reprint Campaign by 23rd Century Productions

If I wanted an episode of "You know grinds my gears"  it's smaller companies running multiple Kickstarters for multiple printings, or worse yet, multiple editions when they hold print runs close to the vest and they print barely over Kickstarter demand and have no capital for a 2nd printing.

The  Savage Battlelords - Reprint Campaign by 23rd Century Productions is not one of these.  As the Kickstarter states, the Carnage Companion (CC) and Alliance Setting Guide (ASG) are getting a 2nd printing regardless of whether this Kickstarter succeeds, but the crowdsourcing allows pledges to get these book under retail.  The initial Core Rulebook for Battlelords of the 23rd Century for Savage Worlds is also available to order, and a 2nd printing is planned, but the publisher expects to provide 1st printing books during fulfillment.  

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