
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Happy Birthday, Maja!

Fifteen years ago, everything changed when Maja appeared in my life. Now, only a few months away from learning how to drive, I'm getting the right amount of teenager attitude.... still considerably less than Millie (even if Millie's been giving that attitude since age six).  

With a few stumbles, she's still been able to maintain a horrific schedule of volleyball, basketball, track & field, and AAU (dance was forced to go), and she's maintaining honors while enrolled in advanced classes.  She still wants to spend most of the time in her room with her books and her cat Harold. 

Despite zero time for "real" gaming outside of some cutthroat games of chess or Chinese checkers, she still holds interest.  In fact, when given a chance to comment on some of our Monday night online Gamma World game, Maja gave ripping critiques and campaign-friendly advice to the guys, one of them commenting, "... and why isn't she part of the group?"

She's off to NYC today to see "Six" with her Mother.  You only get one "starter kid" and Maja's been an awesome one at that.

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