
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 17, 2024

I'm NOT on a Boat This Time

Readers of the blog will remember multiple posts involving family cruises, and the physical reading lists that were packed away.  

There is another one leaving today, Friday May 17th, but I am no longer part of the family in attendance.  

This is not the forum to discuss all those things, but I found it amusing that I'm doing last-second tasks to ensure they get on the ship in a timely manner.  

The Dutch Hedgehog Naval Supplement for Gnome Wars, Coming Soon!
The cruise falls on the completion of spring sports, the last meet was last night.  Maja was held back to JV/Junior High for one final year, because the hurdle events were full of enough upperclassmen.  This allowed her to work on things at her own pace, help the new girls (many her basketball friends) how to hurdle, and play around in other events, specifically the high jump and triple jump.  Most of the larger schools keep a good number of freshmen back as well, so it was amusing to see her pull three 1st places against them (300 hurdles are always a labor of love).  The fun thing is, her PR in the 100m hurdles sets her up to be the #2 varsity hurdler for next spring (and #2 in the high jump).    If I can only get her to run everyday... 

Millie has spent her time in the throwing field events and, when she applies herself, is a menace.    She's managed a win in each event (shot/discus/javelin) over the season, and averages nine points or so each meet.  Considering there are 18 events in a meet, you need 76 points to win a meet, and my girls can put in 20-25 of those points together means they've found a place for the springtime. 

The conclusion of the season, and the cruise mean that I have no running around at all for 10 days.    I have some significant non-hobby projects, but this means I do have time to get some various Zulu projects off the design stage, both playing and painting.  

Project 350:  After some progress, we make an expected growth to the number with 505 posts (330 draft /175 scheduled) behind the scenes, significantly up from 486 (315 drafts, 171 scheduled).  I've cleared off my phone and computer of pics/artwork, and set up a lot more placeholders for things like the #CharacterCreationChallenge.  My target for the end of the month is to drop the overall number back under 500.  

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