
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 31, 2024

(Painting) Discount Bunker

 A lot of craziness is going down, but to amplify it all, the painting bench was cleared off  and a few minutes of solace were found.  

I've accumulated some cool containers, and they're halfway through.  However, if you purchase two beverages and ask for a drink carrier, you two get a free sci-fi bunker!  

Just some cardstock for the blast doors, so I'm not looking at long term here.  Plus, I'd like to put some black cardstock in the windows, 

Apparently there are steps directly inside the doors.....
Project 350:  Despite promises to clean some stuff up, we're soaring up to 512 (334/178), up from 505  (330 draft /175 scheduled).  As you may have noticed certain parts of a project I was mentioned two weeks ago have made some progress, right in time for two different 3-day AAU tournaments at opposite borders of the state.  

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