
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 18, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 18 - Memorable Moment of Play

Day 18 of #RPGaDay2024 and we're finally going into storytime for these prompts. 

"Memorable Moment of Play" 

Spoilers to those who don't look at the big #RPGaDay graphic, 

Today is moment.

Tomorrow is session.

Tuesday is adventure arc

Wednesday is campaign.

There could be some overlap, but I'm going to try to keep things diverse. 

It was very early on in our  Star Wars d6 campaign.  Like all good Star Wars campaigns, this one started with Star Frontiers adventures: Crash on Volturnus and Volturnus: Planet of Mystery  The group handled space pirates, the squid-like Ul-Mor and had reached the high forests where the Kurabanda lived.  The monkey-like humanoids were intrigued by the Wookie in the party, and let the group know about the "Demons in the Sky" who lived nearby.  The Kurabanda Chief tasked two scouts, Bo'Non'as and Oopsa with escorting the group to the Pirate outpost and gain some necessary intel.  

Once they arrived outside of  the outpost, the PCs infiltrated it.  There were many shots fired, grenades exploded, and if there was an upswell of John Williams' music, he was rewriting the theme to Benny Hill.   A Utility Hover Vehicle emerged through a hole in the outpost's garage and flew up and out, towards the much larger main pirate base.

We paused the game for the following week, but with a few extra minutes, I decided to clear up some loose ends with some forgotten NPCs, letting the players take them over for a bit.  


Meanwhile, back at the pirate outposts:

With a roar, the hovertruck lifted out of the building and flew off into the sky.

Bo'Non'as and Oopsa, the Kurabanda guides, were still hiding in the scrub with the Loper steeds.

"Do you think those guys are coming back for us?"

"I don't think so.  Do you think their steeds are good eatin'?"

"They probably won't miss one..."

Leading the Lopers over the hill, they slayed one, made a fire and attempted to roast over a makeshift pit.

Settling down to dinner, Oopsa spied four figures coming over the hill.

Not one was the super-hairy over-sized Kurabanda (Wookie).

It seemed like he was replaced by some creature with red gloaming eyes and a large space-gun.  It began firing wildly at them.

The two Kurabanda did the best thing they could, mounting the other Loper and zig-zagging through the scrubland, partly to avoid the blaster fire, partly because they had trouble controlling the beast.

Eventually the blaster fire stopped and they pushed the beast until they reached the tree-line to their forest.

Getting back to the village, Oopsa inquired how they were going to explain everything.

Bo'Non'as was stone faced, raising a single finger towards his friend.

"We tell no one."


The words "We tell no one," were unexpected by everybody, except the player, Steve.  I cut things off with still a few minutes left and called it a night.  

A few weeks later, with a few no-shows to the session, we broke out D6 character sheets of Bo'Non'as and Oopsa, and ending up playing a mini-campaign of the repercussions of the Kurabanda reporting nothing unusual that night.   Not that our mercantile Star Wars game of grey morality was high drama, but the Kurabanda Campaign was a pleasant distraction and a great fill-in game when we had too many cancellations. 

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