
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 21 - Classic Campaign

As this third week of #RPGaDay2024 wraps up, we move from moments to sessions to adventure arcs, to today: Day 21 - "Classic Campaign"  

They're all already on the blog, but I will post my Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars, and current Gamma Worlds campaigns that I love very, very much at the end of this post, but in reality, it's my campaign world, Georic, and every glorious success or misstep along the way.  

Some of the 3rd generation maps of Crosedes, circa AD1999

Months after I willingly became the DM of my high school gaming group, my friend George and I were trying to put together our World of Georic, in an attempt to codify that wild assortment of adventures (from different campaign settings) into one campaign world.  There was a lot of dice rolling on the random wilderness charts, an attempt to fit things in like the Known World from Mystara, and a lot of crayons.  

We may have also transitioned from T1-4: Temple of Elemental Evil immediately into FRE1 Shadowdale, hence the problem with, what the kids nowadays call, a "multiversal mash-up"

That was an ongoing struggle for almost a decade, when I evolved the game map again, and ran my college campaign.  Finally, in 2001, using the Epic of Aerth from Mythus/Dangerous Journeys, Georic morphed into Fantasy Europe, with some.  Nowadays I focus on a small remote Barony called Gulluvia, and my friend Hoyce runs a game which I describe as in a parallel universe in the future.   

For reference you can use the incomplete but growing Georic Gazetteer 

The Lost Dispatches of Feraso (AD&D) - These "Actual Plays" are, in reality, a series of letters, written by lowly scribe Elsderth Millbottom, to the Viscount of Verbobonc.  In his correspondence, he is always getting caught in the aftermath of one Talanth Blackash and his band of ne'er do well adventurers.    I jump from my high school days (1989-1992), my gaming in Basic Training and AIT, my campaign with my Army Reserve buddies, and I even shadow most of the next game.  This was written last, so it's manufactured prose, with snippets of reality in it.  I did purchase a number of PDFs just so I could recall the adventures they went on, and attempted to recreate level and magic items.  
The first adventure I put the high school group through....

Ballad of the Pigeon God (AD&D) - My college game from 1998-2000.  We didn't have notes on a few parts, but with a name like Ballad of the Pigeon God, things like a mass invasion of doppelgangers, telepathic wolves, legless mentors, and a kobold mariachi band should not be too surprising. 

By the end, they stopped seeking out prophecies, and just started drinking at the Chateau.

The Journey of Mutumbo  (Hackmaster 2001)  - A short lived campaign resulting in a near TPK but it did introduce Mutumbo the Nubian and Holy Party Girl of Sif, Cecelia Darkspruce
Mutumbo, Realized the Deities Were Most Certainly Insane

The Burning Trogs Rule! - (Hackmaster 2001-2004)  Started in the "Leave the Tags On" Kingdom of Marakeikos, Mutumbo and Cecelia traveled across the continent to join this crew and it end with a major war and frustrating diplomatic missions.

Adventures in Gulluvia  (Basic D&D 2019-24)  An on-again-off-again Basic D&D game set in a remote Barony.  There is a tie in to the main campaign world.  Somebody may survive long enough to uncover that connection. 

The Burning Trogs Redux  (Hackmaster 2007-09)  A mixture of new characters and some "Where are they now" After a TPK during B10, we switched to our long running Call of Cthulhu campaign.

Emeron Unleaseshed (D&D/Pathfinder 1999-Present)  Guys in college like to use my setting to run games, and possibly allow the rare crossover characters.  Emeron Unleashed is a third generation Georic campaign, with a lot of changes, but still the flavor I love.  

Call of Cthullhu: My classic 1920s campaign, which includes a full run of Masks of Nylarathotep (save Australia). 

Star Wars d6:  Our campaign devolved into a morally grey mercantile campaign, as the crew worked for/with a Galactic Animal Broker.  Lots of Star Frontiers and Traveller material to liven things up. 

Gamma World:  Our ongoing game, using the 4th Edition of the rules.  Giant sentient sunflowers, giant furry white worms, sneaky weasels, and one helluva sexy pure-strain human with few boundaries.  

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