
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Event List for Fall-In! 2024 is on Tabletop Events, and it's Underwhelming

 After the wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth, the events for Fall-In! 2024 are finally available on Tabletop Events.  Assuming the new code system (strict numerical) is correct, there are over 400 separate events for the weekend, but apparently I'm nowhere near the demographic, or my demographic GMs are not attending.   For last year's PEL, I highlighted 39 games, semniars, and sessions, I had interest in.  This year?  Only 19 (listed below).

I will add that while the Fall-In! set-up is superior to the set-up used for my local con, MEPACON, even with some awesome filter options, it should work, because it's a very underwhelming system.  

(30) Carribean Queen
Thursday 6:00pm, 2hrs, Players 8, GM: Jon Lundberg;  Period: Inter-War, Scales: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead.
A backwater town in the Caribbean has risen in profile with a mysterious Queen claiming to be the Queen on the entire Caribbean. She seems to have otherworldly powers. Various groups descend on the area with their own motives

(31)  It’ll Be Dark Soon and They Mostly Come At Night, Mostly
Thursday 7:00pm;  3hrs, Players: 6,  GM:  Jim McWee, Period Sci-Fi, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Aliens Miniatures Game
LV-426 late afternoon: That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over! What the heck are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do? The dropship destroyed, most of the Colonial Marines wiped out, almost all the colonists dead and oh yeah the fusion reactor will explode in 4 hours. So, what happens now? Simple fall back to the operations center, remote a second dropship and make your escape before the Aliens stop you and the reactor explodes. A normal day in the life of a Colonial Marine!

(161) Red Counterattack
Thursday 7pm, 3hrs, Players 6, GM: Michael Pierce, Period: Inter-War, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Red Brigades (Home Rules) 
The Russian Civil War, late October, 1919. The White Armies have been driving towards Moscow all summer and early fall. The Red Army has marshalled forces to counterattack. The fate of Russia hangs in the balance.

(184) Belleau Wood - June 1918
Thursday 7:00, 2hrs, Players: 8,  GM: John Speiss, Period: WWI, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Trench Wars
It's June 1918. American and German forces are clashing in and around Belleau Wood, a small dense forest on the Western Front. In this scenario, American Marines have closed in on the wood, trying to catch the Germans in a pincer movement from both West and South. However, chaos ensued quickly, as Marines got lost, received inaccurate information, and found machine gun armed Germans crawling among the dense foliage and rocks. Go Devil Dogs !

(28) A Tropical VSF Race
Friday 9:00am, 2hrs, Players: 16, GM: Jon Lundberg, Period:  Sci-Fi, Scale: 28mm, Rules:  VSF Racing
The standard VSF race to start the convention, ending before the Dealer area opens up. Mayhem and confusion usually reign

(32) A Project of Wild Audacity: Louisbourg 1745
Friday 9:00am, 3hrs, Players: 5;  GM: Bruce Pettipas, Period: Age of Reason, Scale: 28mm, Rules Vauban's Wars; Regiemental Fire and Fury.
In 1745, an army of amateurs from New England laid siege to the Fortress of Louisbourg, the strongest fortification in North America. The New Englanders must take the fortress, by siege or by storm, while the French must hold out until help arrives. Both sides must use a combination of bombardments, raids, espionage, sapping, sorties and assaults to achieve victory.

(390) Heroquest - Enter the Dungeon 1
Friday 9:00am, 2hrs, Players: 4, GM: Carl Cardozo, Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Heroquest
Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf, Wizard! You've entered Zargon's devilish dungeon in hopes of finding glimmering gold, lost treasures, and slaying foul monsters! Explore your way through, dodging devious traps, ghastly goblins, and horrifying undead warriors to escape. Work together or you will become a permanent resident of Zargon's keep! Based on the classic board game. Kid-friendly, extremely simple rules. Players in early sessions may keep loot and items they find if they return for later delves.

(45) Bad Guys—Playing U.S. Adversaries in Military Wargames  (War College)
Friday 10:00, 1hr, Host: Sean Barnett
A discussion of how professional wargamers play U.S. adversaries, in military wargames. It will cover the goals in playing the adversary; guidelines for researching, developing and employing adversary military capabilities; who tends to play the adversary in military wargames; and some of the pitfalls or mistakes seen in the playing of adversaries in games. It will also touch on the Russia-Ukraine War and why it developed in directions that were surprising to some analysts and wargamers.

(366) Pirate Zombies
Friday 10:00am, 3hrs, Players: 8, GM:  Don Carter,  Period:  Age of Piracy  Scale: 25mm    Rules: Mein Zombie
You are on a small Caribbean island, when word reaches you that the head of the island needs your help. His daughter was on a tour of the island when an illness broke out. He has received trapped in the village word that she is trapped in the village. Can you go and rescue her? After a long talk you find out the strange illness isa breakout of zombies

(404) A Brief History of the USMC in China, 1900-1949 (War College)
 Friday 11:00am,  1hr , Jeff Schultz
Join us for a brief look at the storied history of the US Marine Corps in China from the Boxer Rebellion to the Chinese Civil War. We will discuss a mix of USMC personnel that served either in China or served both in China and later in the Philippines during WW2.

(215) Battle for Lunkhead's Brewery
Friday 3:00pm, 3 hrs, Players: 10, GM: Maja Jacobson, Period: Fantasy, Scale: 30mm, Rules: Gnome Wars!
Winter is coming, no time like the present to raid Lon the Lunkhead's Brewerey to secure your stash for the winter! Children welcome with playing parent.

(146) The Joust!
Friday 7:00pm, 2hrs, Players: 25, GM: Eric Jacobson, Period: Medieval, Scale: Other, Rules: To Cry a Joust.
Here Ye! Here Ye! The Friday Night Joust is back again! Double Elimination. Rules taught, Quick, Easy, Fun! No one under 14 without a playing adult. ALL WALK-UPS WILL BE WELCOME!

(1) Exploring the Ruins of the Frozen City
Saturday 9:00am, 3hrs, Players: 6;  GM: Cliff Brunken, Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Frostgrave.
Rumors in the local taverns spread tales of an Alchemist shop in the town sector near the broken down section of the East gate. Rumors of wealth and potions have several adventuring Parties ready to under take the task. What treasures will be uncovered or what horrors will be discovered. Fortune favors the bold.

(89) Hollywood Studios Shootout
Saturday 9:00am, 3hrs, Players: 8, GM: Joe Otto, Period: Western, Sacle: 28mm,  Rules: What A Cowboy.
Return to those thrilling days of yesteryear on an iconic Hollywood backlot where famous Western movie and TV actors’ characters are searching to "resurrect their careers” and be the King of the Cowboys.
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Boy have we got an adventure for you!
Quiet on the set. Roll cameras. ACTION!

(34) Army Gold
Saturday 10:00am, 3hrs, Players: 9,  GM Sean Barnett, Peirod: Western, Scale: 28mm;  Rules: Fistful of Lead.
The Army is moving a small gold and silver shipment for paying the troops and buying supplies from Ft. Grant to Ft. Thomas in the Arizona Territory. A band of outlaws from the town of Smithville has learned of the shipment and is looking to rob it. At the same time, Apache Indians from the nearby San Carlos Reservation have been marauding in the area against local settlers and of course they have no love for the Army. See who ends up with the money after the bullets start to fly . . .

(483) Battle of Arsuf 1191ad
Saturday 10:00am, 2 hrs; Players 8, GM: Dave Waxtel, Period: Medieval, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Tactica.
At dawn on 7 September 1191, as Richard's forces began moving out of camp enemy scouts were visible in all directions, hinting that Saladin's whole army lay hidden in the woodland.
David Waxtel will present a incredible battle, this is a novice game and children are invited.
“There the king, the fierce, the extraordinary king, cut down the Turks in every direction, and none could escape the force of his arm.”

(224) CCC Crokinole Cup
Saturday 10:00am; 6hrs; Players 26; GM: Jim Stanton;   Tournament, Scale: Other, Rounds: 3.
The CCC Cup is a Tier 3 NCA sanctioned singles tournament. Tournament points available!! Raffle, Prizes, skill shots: check out Connecticut Crokinole Club for details.

(53) Fort William Henry the Last of the Mohegans in 54mm
Saturday 11:00, 3hrs, Players: 8, GM: Bill Molyneaux, Period: Age of Reason, Scale: 54mm, Rules: Donald Featherstone
Fort William Henry in 54mm figures with a massive 3D printed fort. This game is not your standard Fort William as besides the siege, General Webb has decided to send help to Col. Monroe. The rules will be a two-page fun fast D6 style easy to pick up and just show up to move a lot of figures roll dice and have fun.

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