
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, November 30, 2024

This is Madness, This... Is... SATLOF!

My group is nearing its 23rd, maybe 24th annual SATLOF (Saturday After Thanksgiving Left Over Feast) today.  

What started as a mass gathering of everyone's leftovers, accompanied by copious amounts of alcohol, has matured into a simpler gathering, with fewer folks, a wide variety of kids, but there are still games to be played.  

Steve (from Monday Night Gamma World) and Angi now host it, and the games are bit more cultured (Formula D and Britol 1580 last year).  In the most welcoming news, there will be an rare appearance by Wooly and Jenny, so it should be a hoot.

Since we made an appearance at my mother's for Thanksgiving, this will be the first time in at least a decade, where it's not a multiple visit day before we end up at SATLOF.

So look for a palm tree (the international sign for a party!).  If you do, there's bound to be a SATLOF nearby!

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