
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

(Gamma World) Zephyr Stormcaller - Keeper of Traffic and the Weather #CharacterCreationChallenge

When I was writing up episode #48 of my Gamma World campaign, "This is Only a Test" and felt like chief NPC for the session, Zephyr Stormcaller, needed to be statted out, so I set up a post for the 2023 Character Creation Challenge.  If readers remember, I didn't finish that challenge, and we never returned to the character in the campaign.

Until now....

Zephyr Stormcaller - 5th Level Altered Human Scout

Physical Strength: 11
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 17
Intelligence:  12
Mental Strength:  14
Charisma:  11
Senses: 12

Hit Points: 69
THAC Melee: 0   THAC Ranged: +2
Mental Defense: 11
Armor Class:  14
Health: 13
Robot Recognition 16
Perception: 17
Stealth: +5 
Remain Unseen: +5

Detect Ambush: 9
Hunting: 5
Navigate: 10
Tracking: 10
Wilderness Survival: 6

Wings (24)  Flying Movement of 36.


Empathy (18)

Stunning Force (13)

Broadcast Communicator
ForceField Generator
Sports Gear Armor 
2x Machine Pistols (50 rounds each)

Appearance: Zephyr has feathered wings sprouting from his back, allowing him to soar through the air. His feathers have an iridescent sheen, shifting colors in the light. He wears a high-collared, weather-resistant jacket and goggles that he flips down when reporting in hazardous conditions.

Background:   Zephyr went by a different name ages ago.  Their family were normal altered human residents of the KIA Academy.  They exhibited mental gifts early on, but around 10 years old, something metamorphosized within them, and they sprouted two sets of wings. This made them one of the most powerful (and fastest) flying mutants for miles around, faster than even the mutant birds.  

As an adult, they were hired by the Academy under the auspices of an "eye-in-the-sky" reporter for their internal news service. With a name change to Zephyr Stormcaller, "Weather and traffic, ten times per day" was a catchphrase learned by everyone at the Academy with access to personal communication devices, or are near nearly any public Vid-Screen in the complex.  

Recently, Zephyr has been called on to use their skills for more investigative reporting for the Academy.  Others might see this as spying, but Zephyr hasn't caught on that their reports are usually acted upon swiftly. 

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