
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 20, 2023

I Was Alive When This Map Was Published

What a drag it is getting old.  

Sure I was only one when this map appeared in Kamandi #32, but we are in a world where the kids who graduating high school were born after the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy!  (Not a Star Wars fan?  How about there are kids driving this year who were born after the last Harry Potter book...)

I've had this map saved for my Savage Rifts game that never transpired.  With the Gamma World crew never leaving more than 100 miles from their home base, I doubt I need to pull this out for  any post-apocalyptic hijinks.  

46 was rough, 47 wasn't too great either, 48 downright sucked.  Here's hoping 49 gets me smarter and wiser (and just a hair thinner, but no thinning hair).

If you do want to get me anything for this revolution around the sun, if you're an HMGS, your consideration to vote for me for HMGS Board of Directors would be appreciated.