
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Virtual SATLOF 2020!

Things are getting pretty bad out there.  I'm not a medical professional, but I get daily clinical updates due to my position.  Our issues are spreading throughout the community, the majority (80%)  of which are outside of nursing homes and the traditional comorbidities normally associated with the pandemic.  Heck, my alma mater (Easton)'s 114th annual Thanksgiving Day football game with Phillipsburg, New Jersey was outright cancelled.  The last time the two teams haven't played was 1912.  Yes, they played during the Spanish Flu. 

With that being said, it's no surprise that our annual Saturday After Thanksgiving Leftover Feast (SATLOF) is not occurring today.  Let's be serious, we're a pretty obnoxious folk that like to skirt the rules, and if we haven't been comfortable setting up face-to-face gaming since March, it would be ludicrous to have friends and loved ones from five different states converging on one site.  
All is not not lost, we're turning SATLOF virtual this year.  We're hoping to catch up with everyone via Skype, with a beverage in hand.  

Of course, I'm still "visiting" my mother today, albeit solo, and hopefully through a window.  She has a few outside tasks that I need to do, so I'll drop off some cards, a few new pictures of the kids, and get the house ready for winter.  I'm not stepping foot in the house.  I will have an opportunity to stop at some some shops on the way home (Trains and Lanes, Steel City Comics, The Portal) before arriving home with Wawa to celebrate SATLOF.

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