
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, March 29, 2021

A Weekend to Restore the Soul

For a weekend, this past one was a the perfect example of the split personality of March.   Saturday was about as perfect a Spring day that one could ask for:  Sunny, just warm enough that I was second-guessing jeans, and a day I didn't mind doing yard work.  The front yard is cleaned up for (boo) grass trimming, our drainage is dug out and cleared, and even the pool cover got repaired.   It also helped that the family disappeared for a good portion of the day, with AAU practice, then hours of conditioning.  

The evening and all of Sunday turned inside, as the winds and rain picked up, and with a surprisingly clean house, I tried to alternate time between March Madness and the painting bench.  

It's amusing that my wife is a sports junkie for these types of events, where I'm happy to watch a game, but I can not watch games back-to-back like the tournament schedule is set up for.  Down to the painting bench, where I put in a good amount of time and was quite productive.  Not much was finished, but April looks to be a good month to clear off the "one-offs" on the bench, the individual figures that were meant to break up the Gnomish Space Marine monotony, but I've put on the back row to paint more gnomes.  

Basketball starts up in full force after Easter, so I have my doubts when any minis can show up on a table (my six-month overview shows up this week, and I do have some hope that's possible).   With a new hire I'm behind at work, so it should be fun, because it's GAME DAY, and I need a little bit of time to hammer down details for my Star Wars d6 game.  I didn't anticipate the crew visiting Alderaan, so I need to get some things set up.  Don't worry, we're early enough in the timeline that it's not a floating pile of rocks (6 BBY) although I've already deviated from the canon.  They're a politically neutral party, so a zoological symposium on a beautiful, pacifist planet... then hearing about it getting blown up years later, might finally push to over to a side.  

Here's hoping they don't blow up the planet themselves.  That would be awkward.

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