
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Running of the Gnomes

After a productive January and February, March has roared in like an overbooked Lion.  I take back they few ill things I said about the shortest month.  

Instead of some fun family activities to offset the rainy, dreary day, we were out of the house the entire day, first with basketball games for both girls, followed by back-to-back tryouts for Spring AAU, for each of their respective grade levels.  With the pressure tactics of a used car salesmen, we're forced to choose between two programs quickly, and it might be a split the kids into separate clubs.  

It appears that our first choice (Team A) won't be sponsoring a team for Millie's grade, due to lack of participants.  In the end that's fine, as two of the other players on her current team also tried out for the second program (Team B), and they like the other girls on the team.  

That leaves poor Maja.   She fared well against a scrimmage full of 8th grade girls in Team B's tryout, but 6th grade appears to be an afterthought to the coaches, and with her missing parts of two tournaments due to well-established dance dates, I feel we're going to field a team of five more than once through the Summer.  

She really enjoyed the program and tryout participants of Team A.  If we can swing a coup with convincing another Team B player to switch sides, it will be a solid team, even if Maja (or another player) misses a few games.  
Meanwhile, if the ugly is basketball decisions, the good and bad are in the basement. 

Good:  Millie actively started her terrain project... before looking at the instructions.  A lot of hot glue but she'll be producing three pieces, each one hopefully better than the one before.  

Bad: Cleaning up some of the hot glue, I heard an odd gurgling... the sump pump is fighting feet of melting snow and a half-inch of rain yesterday evening, so the back-up is running.  I'm close on finishing my next two painting projects, so I'd like the basement to keep dry for this week, even as the basketball schedule ramps up to a Winter Season ending playoffs for both girls on the same weekend as a major regional tournament that Millie's team committed to weeks ago. 

The fun never ends.  

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