
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My "Campaign" To - Do List

Another top ten list, true muchachos! This time, the games I really want to run, but not time or player base currently to do so. If something catches you eye, drop me a line, or even use that "comment" function on the blog.

10 (tie) Mouse Guard and Aces & Eights (working on both)

9 - Recon – West Africa - I ran a game or two using this setting way back in my NCC days, and I'd love an early 80's mercenary game.

8 - Talislanta – A full campaign, using any edition. Just once.

7- TWERPS – Napalm Death! Flying Gary, The Kerminator, The Holy Rolled-Up Newspaper of God (Wednesday Edition), and the Gnomish Space Marines!

6 -Rifts – Yeah, laugh all you want about the system, play imbalance, etc. Rifts is fucking cool. The best way to run it would be a two tier game with munchkin characters (Glitter Boys) on one storyline and the “normals” (Rogue Scholars, normal people with low/no –mdc weapons.) risking their lives just as much, but working "behind the scenes." The uber-munchkin occ/rccs would be reserved for NPCs and story development. Yeah, that right, I said real story development in Rifts. Expecting my C&D letter from Palladium any moment now.

5- Mordheim – Full campaign mode, quarterly “big” games, restricted economy for specials,

4- Call of Cthulhu – The Knox Mine Disaster - If I can turn Sullivan’s March into a Mythos mission, I can claim cultists (or GOOs) caused the most famous NEPA mining disaster… or might the pcs be the ones who need to initiate it? hmmmm.....

3 - Call of Cthulhu – Escape from Innsmouth/The Raid … It may come up one day, but the current game is only in 1923. We just moved it to New York last session, so a certain “look” may
be observed on the docks.

2 - D&D Variant – “Home” Polynesian campaign that mixes Basic D&D, Hackmaster, and BRP systems.

1 – Hackmaster 4e - “Trogs Revenge” The Burning Trogs meet up one more time to finally vanquish the Slavers of Roark who slaughtered their brethren and nearly wiped out the adventuring company. Short version – The PCs wade through the slavers series like religious warriors would decimate an infidel orphanage. I would expect no mercy, and by the time the slavers caught wind of this, as GM, I would offer none. If the group was still game, I might interest the Judge’s Guild Fortress of Badabaskor, with a few more tweaks.

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