
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Favorite Convention Games

So, the next two Mepacons will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the con. No theme has been determined, but I figured it would be great to have a "best con events ever" category. Old classics dusted off once again for public consumption to see if they still have that magic.

That got me thinking about games I've run/played in at cons. There are a lot of good games, a good dose of forgetable ones, plus a lot of other times I was in a miniature or CCG kick. But here is a list of the top 10 con games I've participated in...

  1. GURPS: IOU - Scavenger Hunt! - This game had EPIC written all over it. A motley group of Freshthings search the steam tunnels for the one item that will put them over the top in the Freshthing Orientation Scavenger Hunt. Fanastic players. Great PCs, Hilarity ensues.
  2. Talislanta - The Crystle Dungeon, My first game I ran at a con (Lehicon IV at the GW Motor Lodge). Needs a revamp but it worked seven years later at a Bogglecon or two...
  3. TOON - Cthulhu Comes to Springfield - Co-GMed with Bob Wintermute. Lovecraft and The Simpsons. Comedy Gold. Must remember not one under twelve next time, otherwise it gets weird in a Law and Order: SVU kinda way.
  4. GURPS: IOU - Road Trip! The free-form sequel to Scavenger Hunt! Rolling with the punches, and cleaning up after tac-nuking Springfield, Massachusetts.
  5. AD&D 2e - The Jade Monkey - run by Joe Ward, it was the first con game I played in that I actually had fun. Plus I've using the William of Arinka pregen PC as part of my campaign for years.
  6. Hackmaster: In Search of the Unknown The only HM event I have fond memories of... I had converted B1 before Kenzerco did for HM. This is the game where Steve "Drow Game" Heitzer took over a Half-Orc warrior with and intelligence of 4 and rampaged the scenario. This is where I earned the nickname "Q" from.
  7. TWERPS: Space Cadets - I converted a Star Frontier mod to TWERPS, got a few players and had a great time, even after the one guy decided to disarm a planet buster bomb with a point blank shot from his blaster.
  8. AD&D 2E - The Harpers - I took over an AD&D for Matt D, who was sleep-deprived, or scheduled to work, or something. Problem was I had been up for 36 hours with Legions of Steel, and stealing corny items from any GM I could remember at the time, had the PCs ultiately turn into Green Lanterns and fight some Cosmic badass... If that was right
  9. Battlelords of the 23rd Century - GM'ed by the man, the myth, the loudmouth, Larry Sims himself at Lehicon. I had no idea what I was doing, but it was fucking awesome
  10. Star War d6 - run by Eric Pierson at a Bogglecon. I played the ship's captain, who patterned after Marino. Yes THAT "Dude, you were out of toilet paper so I used your shower curtain" mythic-level Marino. It was a hoot.

After some thinking (and knowing for certain that I can't show up for Mepacon Spring 2011) my events will be (1) a sequel to my Hackmaster "Q" game, tenatively titled "Resident Chaotic Evil," (2) reliving the IOU scavenger (complete with GURPS vs Risus), and (3) Cthulhu Comes to Springfield. Good thing I didn't snag the Simpsons actions figures from Steve, they might actually slow down the vignettes, and create even more SAN-losing situations...

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