
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Represent, World!

I've always been a sucker for stats. Sports, economics, the random stuff the census bureau used to produce, you name it, I wanted to crunch it. So it should come as no surprise that once I discovered the "Stats" tab on blogger options I always spend a few minutes every day seeing who came to visit, what country they're from, and what they searched to get here.

I know I tend to link my posts to facebook, but I'm amazed that the link I posted to about Beer-n-Pretzel day at Steve's Man Cave brings in a couple people even this week. The two most common searches? "Reaper Mouselings" and "Gnome Wars Joust." If Jim doesn't get his act together with GW 2.0 I may have to post the rules. It also means I need to snag up the mouselings and get them painted for the world to see.

Finally, it's kinda neat seeing where everyone is searching from (barring some odd 'bot or phantom IP address):

The Last 30 days of pageviews, excluding me:

United States 221
France 51
Italy 32
United Kingdom 18
Australia 12
Canada 11
Kuwait 8
Malta 8
Malaysia 8
Spain 5
..and that doesn't include the numerous views from Sweden, Finland, and Latvia in regards to the Masks hardcover. Apparently, the Baltic States love their hardcover Cthulhu books.

That leads to the new counter-thingy on the left hand side. Flag Counter is one of those goofy third party gimics to show everybody where everybody else comes from. Enjoy that little bit of useless data, and while you're at it, log in and post a comment or two, or even click on the Reaction button that's visible when you log in. Awesome!, Lame, and More Please are the options. Feedback is greatly appreciated, no matter your latitude or longitude are.

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