
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, December 10, 2010

(Poll) What should I actually paint first?

It's that most wonderful time of the year, where none of us have time for the eight million things that MUST be done before December 25th. Add into the mix a new baby coming between now and the 8th of January, plus the 18-month old we already have, PLUS a bunch of projects that need to get done, and I'm surprised I can get out of bed in the morning.

I do, because if I don't, my daughter will find the syrup and re-grout the tile in the house with it...

That being said, I have a strong desire for the zen-like state of painting. It beats staring at a small or large screen for hours vegitating, and I need to get figures out of the primer stage with at least some base coats one if we're to start playing in the spring.

So the new question arises: What should I start my painting desire with:

  1. The Sikhs: The Sikhs should be incredibly easy to paint. 15 of the same figure with one Highlander officer. If they're painted first, they will represent the Askaris in the Longido Mountain portion of the Tanga Campaign.

  2. Teddy Bear Tri-corner hat: These Eureka bears are actually my little girls, but I may use them as the Askaris for Tanga. These will be painted Bright Yellow, to represent the Rubber Duck Brigade.

  3. Teddy Bear Mitre hats: These are for my new daughter Amelia. They will be painted Bubblegum Pink (the uniforms, not the bears themselves).

  4. Swiss Rangers: I'll finally have a chance to base and paint my much anticipated third Swiss unit. This unit is actually Swiss Park Rangers, and will be painted as such. As an added bonus, the Swiss Bicycle Tank will be attached to this unit, thus painted in a similar style.

  5. Swiss Infantry: This unit is my much vaunted 14th Training Company, heroes of such games as Catch that Train, and Stop That Tank at previous HMGS cons. Traditional red and blue gnomes, I just have three or four additional figures to paint to complete the unit.

  6. Swiss Engineers - My much-appreciated Third Engineers are a painted in construction colors (yellow-green jackets, orange hats with a white line). As my previous pictures have shown, about half the unit is complete, the rest need a new base coat the details.

  7. Flying Monkeys: My main body of the German Army, Das Fliederaffes will need a freshening up and finishing.

  8. Leinenkugels: My all-rifle unit has performed pretty badly, perhaps it's the green-and-white paint scheme. They need everything beyond base coats.

  9. Badenboens: A unit primed for painting - Sticking with a standard gnome paint scheme of brown helmets and dark blue uniforms.

  10. German Heavy Machine Gun- closest thing to a model kit, in addition to painting them as part of the Flying Monkeys.

  11. French Pastry Mortar - next closet thing to a model kit, painted in the traditional early war light blue.

There you go, vote early, and if the system lets you, vote often!

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