
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Settlers of Catan 15th Anniversary Edition

It took me a long time to actually play Settlers of Catan. Heck, I even owned one of the early English printings of the game, never played, and sold it still in the shrinkwrap for a tidy profit on ebay. Settlers was part of that "cool" set of games around the beginning of the millenium: Formula De, Apples to Apples, Push Car. Completely cool games that need players and time to truly be great. Plus Settlers always had expansion and variants like Spacefarers and Settlers of Canaan.

After finding the time to bite the bullet and play a couple of times, Settlers is now one of our reserve games in case everything falls apart. I've got an old boxed set and a new version of the 5-6 player expansion. Yeah, it clashes horribly, but it gets the job done.

But the new release from Mayfair next week makes me drool. Settlers of Catan - 15th Anniversary Edition™ looks to be a player's delight. All-wood pieces, board, accesories, and a kickass wooden box with clasp:

Now the $150 price tag is making me gasp a little bit, until you realize that the basic game has been 35-40 bucks, the 5-6 player expansion is 15-20, and that's only cardstock with wooden playing pieces. Like the bookcase editions of the classic popular board games, some things belong in a dignified container on nice shelf. the kids and the dogs can't destroy them. for more information.


  1. Heh... I was in the same boat... never played my sealed copy... however I saw the 15th Anniversary edition finally dip below $100.

    Me and my oldest now play, on may way to teaching the wife..

    if you interested, I grabbed it on the cheap here:

    $95 when I got it, but I see today it is $85.. that always happens to me..

  2. FYI: I'm never a fan of anonymous people posting random links on anyone's comments, but upon further review wholesale gaming is a legit business and webstore, with some endorsements by certain individuals I trust.
    ..and the set is back up to $95.

  3. Sorry, didn't mean to be anonymous, just didn't feel like creating an account right this second, I do read your weblog, just never commented before. : )

    feel free to remove the link I left, but I just wanted your other readers to know this game finally hit the 'reasonable' mark.

