
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, April 11, 2011

(Gnome Wars) Battle of Tanga #1 - Assault on the Wells

For explanations on special rules for this campaign, please see THIS.

November 3, 1914, 0500 hours, SW slope of Longido Mountain

As Swiss forces were concentrating their forces on the heavily defended north face of the mountain, Captain A.C. Bekker led a few units of the 189th Swiss around the base of the mountain to seize vital wells on the southern side. Unfortunately, they stumbled upon a work detail from the 11th Field Company, commanded by Lieutenant Erdmann. The 11th had been sent out to repair telegraph lines which giraffes had recently brought down. Upon recognizing the troops as Swiss, Erdmann ordered his men to open fire.

Initial Set-up: All three German units are in the far right corner

ORDER OF BATTLE Germans: Commanded by myself, and "Field Marshall Steven von O'Hara"

Orders: Drive all Swiss off elevated areas of the board

1 Full Squad (Purple Germans, they have no medic)
1 Partial Squad (Grey Germans)
1 Partial Squad (Green Germans, ditto)
1 Light Machine Gun

German Variable Attatchments (d20) 
1-3: Additional LMG
4-9: Remainder of the Grey Germans as turn 3 reinforcements
10-15:Teddy Bear Askari Unit
16-19 Remainder of the Green Germans
20: Remainder of Grey Germans as part of initial deployment and 1 additonal roll

Swiss - Commanded by Brian Nichols and Scott Birkner

Orders: Occupy the second and/or third tier of elevation at the end of the scenario.

1 unit "Red Hats"
1 unit "Swiss Engineers"
1 unit "Swiss Rangers"

Variable attachments (d20):
1-11: 1 unit of Sikhs "Primed for Death"
12-15: 2 Swiss rifles from any unit may start the game hidden on the second tier of elevation
16-20: "Santa Effect" On turn eight, four figs from any one unit return to play and deploy at the edge of the Swiss tree line.

SPECIAL RULE: The rock walls on various level were impassable areas of terrain. They blocked line of sight for any unit not in direct contact with it. Troops could occupy the area below them represented by the loose stones and be considered in heavy cover. However, the units firing out of that area did so at a -2 penalty.

Turns 1-3: The Grey and Green Germans worked their way down the second tier to engage at the advancing Red Hats. The Purple Germans worked their way through the thick brush of the third tier to defend the center of the battlefield. As the Swiss began to emerge out of the lower brush, a week Sikh was heard behind them. On turn 3, the remainder of the Grey Germans moved through the brush to bolster the empty right flank. Pot shots were taken at great distance, causing little damage.

The Germans try to flush out the Red Hats

Turns 4-6 - The Swiss Engineers and Rangers scrambled to the cover of the rocky outcroppings and hunkered down. The German machine gun managed to pick off a good number of straglers, but the medics were able to retrieve and revive most of them.

The German left flank was the site of most of the combat for the entire game. The Grey Germans traded ineffective shots with the Red Hats, however the Greens became focused on the rampaging Sikhs. Each traded closing shots, but the Sikhs disdain for Western medicine meant the Greens would recover their losses, while the ill-trained Sikhs started losing men and morale.

The biggest blow came on turn six, as snipers from the Engineers began firing at the exposed Grey German leadership. A few lucky shots and Lieutenant Erdmann (and his NCO) were down!

Down goes Erdmann! Down goes Erdmann!

Turns 7-10: Although the medics were able to revive both leaders, the Swiss seized the moment. The faltering Sikhs had enough intestinal fortitude left in them to march forward and slice the Green Germans with a swath of lead. The Red Hats then charged around the outcropping and a bloody melee ensued with the Greys.

The Aftermath of a Melee Round, Pre-Medic Phase

With the help of some very competent (re: lucky) medics, the hand-to-hand combat grew more and more vicious. Even the arrival of peasant infantry from the Greens couldn't turn the tide for the Greys. Lieutenant Erdmann was again on the cold mountain, this time gasping his last breath. The Greys here and on the far side of the battlefield routed, the Greens were just a step behind. Complete and total Swiss victory was there's for the taking!

Wait a minute, has anyone seen Captain Bekker?

The bodies of Captain Bekker and his trusted non-com were discovered underneath the other corpses of the carnage. Without any leadership, the Red Hats immediately routed.

The Purple Germans left the safety of the high brush and descended the moutain in order to fire a hail of bullets at the Sikhs, the only unit left on that flank. It only took one barrage to break them as well.

The Engineers and Rangers Charge the Machine Gun
Turns 11-12: Finally, the Swiss Rangers and Engineers sprung into action, climbing over the top and charging the machine gun emplacement. The Engineers did considerable damage to the Purple Germans with rifle fire, and with no medic, the unit wilted away.

The machine gun team did its best to hold the mountain, slaying five Engineers, but the constant barrage of rifle fire finally did them in. The Wells of Longido Mountain were officially under Swiss control!

With game one under our belts, I am very pleased. Although the German variable unit simply held the flank, the Swiss roll was instrumental in them achieving victory. When calculating scores per the campaign rules, I noticed some possible discrepancies in my conversion. With the Swiss achieving their objective, the final score was Swiss 31, Germans 24. Each side gets 5 points for achieving their objective, and one point for each enemy figure KIA or captured. Routing figs don't count (neither do downed figs when the unit routs, just figures removed after the medic phase.)

When looking at the scenario, as written for a straight WWI game, the maximum number of Germans on the board (with a LOT of luck) is 57. The max number of British? 30.

I estimate that we had 50 Germans on the table. We had more than 75 Allied units on the table! Given that, Allied victory should have been a lot easier than it actually was. Truth be told, if commands had switched and Steve and I had control of the Engineers and Rangers, they would have rushed the third tier before the Grey German reinforcement could have made it out of the brush. With only a light machine gun and weakend units, the assault should have been overwhelming.

But that is why you play the games...

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