
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh where oh where will Historicon go?

Don't fret, people, the write-up for Tanga scenario #2 is in the works. I just don't have time to fight with Bloggers wonky formatting. So instead, here's a quick rant.

With the Baltimore fiasco largely behing us, the elections for HMGS underway, and most people going to Historicon reserving rooms, submitting games, etc, the next Chicken Little moment is "Where will Historicon be held in 2012?"

Recently, the courts rejected appeals against a casino license for the Valley Forge Convention Center, site for Historicons '10 and '11. The VFCC has been awarded a licenese for 500 slots and roughly 50 table games. The Chicken Littles are worried that (a) we won't have sufficient space for the convention, (b) the casino will price the convention site out of the HMGS, and (c) where else can we go?

For starters, (a) 500 slots and 50 table games doesn't take up a large amount of space, even with added restaurants and facilities. The convention space will still be there, with room to grow unless they run Flames of War, Games Workshop, and Magic tournaments simultaneously.

(b) While I'm not naive to the idea that the investors who obtained the license ultimately want to expand the casino, this does take awhile, and I can't imagine how many more organizations they will attract with slots, outside the perinnial favorites of the Rod and Gun and Toy Soldier shows. And eliminating the convention center outright would negate the argument that the VFCC is a "resort destination" as per their application.

Now (c) provides a tricky situation. To find a site bigger than the Host, without too many added expenses is tough. The Baltimore Convention Center is now out of the question, but it was a nice end result of a ten-year growth plan. It exceed our current needs. New Jersey? Lots of union sites, which would add even more expenses onto the dealers who defray a good chuck of the site expenses to begin with. The two sites with the biggest appeal on TMP are Hampton Roads and the Fredricksburg Convention Center, both in Virginia.

I am sorry to my fellow wargamers who do make the trek past the Mason-Dixon line each time they go to a convention, but there is no way in Hell that I'm driving 5+ hours south, in the middle of Summer, to push lead across a table. I admit that I'm in a convienient location, roughly two hours north of Lancaster. It's great for a day trip or a full weekend, just far away enough to forget about family issues, just close enough to rush back if something happens.

Five hours plus? I'd rather spend that time visiting friends in western PA, family in Vermont, or better yet, make if seven plus and I'll go to Origins in Columbus, Ohio! People were worried about a loss in attendence from the northern states with the move to Baltimore, let's just slap and extra two hour drive on that, and let's see if the Southern Gentlemen make up for the yankees unwilling to add two "driving days" to their weekend.

On a more positive note, my wife asked me about my conventions for the Fall. It looks as if we should be open for Mepacon on November 11-13, and Fall-in! on October 28-30. In fact, the Missus wants to go down to Lancaster, with children, as her birthday present. That means I get gaming Friday and Saturday, and we'll drive back Sunday morning. Not as awesome as a full week in Lancaster during July could be, Dutch Wonderland, the Amish, and lots of museums, followed by a con, but I could always rent a local hotel's conference room for a few semi-private games.

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