
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Apathy of New Releases (July 2011)

It's that time of year. Issue number #137 of GTM should cover all the items slated for Origins release, but were omitted from previous issues, and of course GEN CON PRODUCT! With that I can't be completely apathetic....

But there still isn't one damn thing in the book that I want!

Perhaps the Eureka Biplane Teddy Bears will offset that, but let's get started:

Want List: None
Dream List: EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED FROM DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Paperback from WotC $12.95 - It's one of those books they put right next to the register and people buy, just because. If I were a store, I'd snag up 2 or 3 copies, make sure it was as edition-generic as it could be, and if it was, I'd order 10+ more

The Store List
I've been following the Catayst Game Lab Facebook feed, so I know Origins and GenCon will be big. For August/September
BATTLETECH: A TIME OF WAR COMPANION (The RPG?)............................$44.99
BATTLETECH: A TIME OF WAR GM SCREEN .......................$19.99
BATTLETECH: JIHAD FINAL RECKONING ............................$29.99
BATTLETECH: RECORD SHEETS PROTOTYPES ............................$9.99
LEVIATHANS BRITISH FLEET BOX ............................$39.95
LEVIATHANS CORE BOX SET ...........................$79.95
LEVIATHANS DICE PACK ..........................$19.95

They haven't gone into detail what Leviathans is (I was incorrectly hoping Renegade Legion), but they are stoked about the figures.

A plethora of Heavy Gear product is also solicited to continue with the relaunch of the line. Price does hit me. Outside of a decal pack and some assorted weapons sprues, everything else is $40. To invest into a niche game in the giant robot combat genre? Questionable at best.

Fantasy Flight is releasing another board game, The Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus. It looks like some good old fashioned mummy-punching archeology. 50 bucks for a board game seems standard. Also of note from FFG, The Black Crusade GM Kit, a sourcebook for Deathwatch, and Black Fire Pass for WHFRP (Dwarves!)

Four more Dust Tactics releases. Mind you, they are $15.00 boxed sets, but if I had by this point, if the game hadn't taken off in the stores, I would be looking at clearance, rather than shelf stocking. Of course, if I can find those walkers I mentioned in an earlier post on the cheap, that would be sweet.

Green Ronin: Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition: Emerald City Campaign Setting

Heads on Pikes - the collectible miniatures game. Seriously?

Mayfair: Lots of ads for Settlers accesories, but a solicited game that caught my eye was :TEST OF FIRE: FIRST BULL RUN 1861

Paizo: First off 3 more third party products. Paizo itself has 6 new items, including a Pathfinder Beginner's boxed set (only $34.99!). Any sort of boxed set used to make me drool with desire. Now, I'm hoping it brings in the younger whippersnappers.


Wizkids: Heroclix: Superman expansion. Just in time for the universe reboot in September! I wonder if they're throwing in the new costume?

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