
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Eureka New Releases at Historicon

Dammit, why do I do any sort of planning of my purchases at Historicon. Even with an insignificant budget for this year's con, Eureka has decided that I should not eat on Saturday, and I'll be taking backroads instead of the turnpike.

Per their announcement on TMP.

"Our 28mm Teddy Bear range will now include Bearon von Richoften and Teddy Rickenbacker in our WWI Bearoplae range. These famous flyers come with either a biplane or triplane, and decals for German, U.S.A. or RFC."

Besides being above and beyond the normal level of cuteness I expect from Eureka's Teddy Bear line, I want prices... stat. Hell, I want bulk prices. Mount these bad boys on solid flight stands and I can pictures dogfights overhead and the gnomes slug it out on the ground. Anyone ready to slap some rules together for these bad boys?

The also announced the first previews of their samurai rabbits.

They look pretty good, but after seing the guinea pig samurai awhile back, these just don't make the cut. Maybe if the rules were pretty cool.

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