
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 8, 2011

(FALL-IN!) The Battle of Yellowstone has been submitted!

Jim and I finally got together via phone and ironed out the details for Fall-in. Now, I don't have his events descriptions, but it looks as if the joust will now be Saturday night, which does seem smarter from a logistical standpoint. An 8pm mega-event is great, but no one wants to break it down and pack it up at midnight, and then hang out with friends and a few beers.

Withou further ado:

The Battle of Yellowstone - A Theme Event!
For 30 years, the US Cavalry protected one of our greatest treasures, Yellowstone National Park. Join the valiant men of Troop K as they defend the park against illegal poachers, loggers, miners, wayward campers, and worst of all, sheep! 10 players. Of couse, Gnome Wars.

I'm doing some interesting reading on the subject. With little appropriation through Congress, and a climate of political appointee corruption, the Secretary of the Interior turned the protection and maintenance of Yellowstone Park to the Department of War, who sent out Troop M of the US Cav in 1886. Much of the early development of the park, and the call for tighter laws governing protected lands can be attributed to the Cavalry, both white and some "Buffalo" soldiers. Always undermanned, the cavalry's main focus for some time was keeping the the undesirables mentioned in the event description. I found it amusing that in the later years, they even issued speeding citations for visitors in automobiles who arrived at checkpoints earlier than advised.

One side will play the US Cav, patrolling the park. We plan on having four 5-man sqauds for the players. The other players will play the logging camp, poachers trying to hunt wildlife, herds of sheep, and the wayward campers who may or may not be breaking the law, but are stuck in the middle of the "legal enforcement." I'll also need one player to run the wildlife. What's worse than the US Army interrupting your illegal hunting? How about a stampeding herd of elk going through your mining camp!

If the cav does poorly, I can always turn the clock forward to 1918, and the Swiss Park Rangers can take over jurisdiction.

It can nearly be said that this event might resemble Trench Wars more than Gnome Wars. No cheese throwers, no golf mortars, possible no St. Bernards or Bier Wenches *gasp*. The bicycle tank *might* make an appearance if the Rangers show up, but otherwise its some wargaming, a nice pinch of spicy role-playing, and some obscure history mixed into the blender known as Gnome Wars Fun! If someone misses a few pointed hats in the woods, they could actually mistake this as a serious (i.e. real) wargaming event!

Which is something Der Alte Fritz recently did:

With all that being said, some of you might have questions like, "What units are you using for the American Cav?"

Hopefully, (Northern) American Gnome Cavalry! No promises were given, but I've heard through the grapevine that the sculptor was given an extra cookie to finish them first. The when, what, how much, I leave up to Lon at Brigade.

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