
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 8, 2011

GenCon... who needs NEW MOUSELINGS!

I am not a huge fan of GenCon. Perhaps it's my Origins experience telling me there is a level of gamer funk and swamp ass that should not pushed beyond. Perhaps I like my triumvirate of HMGS (East) cons plus Mepacon to better suit my gaming/purchasing needs. Maybe I've already had lunch with Steve Jackson, and praise be to Jeebus, we didn't discuss Munchkin (it didn't even EXIST yet! Boo-yah!).

But I've been subject to two pics from there that whet my appetite:

Minnetonka Mouse and Gold Globe of Gouda perks my interest into pulp gaming, or even a TMNT-esque game with turtles, bears, and *gasp* jungle frog warriors. It was meant to be!

Greens of a bunch of carousing mouselings make my heart all aflutter, images of drunken brawls in mouse guard, more minstrels to be eaten by a snake or scorpion... good times.

And no, the Indy Mouse is not really named Minnetonka, although if I ever use him, I'm calling dibs right now!

Thanks to Jess Carson for providing me the pics, in return, please have a read of her writing(Pathfinder related, but nobody's perfect):

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