
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Historicon 2012 PEL is Online

With the tiniest of delays, HMGS has released the Preliminary Event Listing (PEL) for Historichon 2012!

With the weekend realization of its release, I didn't prodigious amounts of naysayers poo-pooing the "apparent lack of games" or whatever BS they're coming up with.  A couple of things to ponder about that.

One, the con moved five hours away, which may make even the staunchest GMs rethink their logistics. Two, the new GM policy (GMs must be a member of HMGS or a regional chapter).  For years the only way I got into cons was through the GMs get in free policy. Heck, I remember when Bogglecon tried to do away with the      policy all together, and that resulted in a near mutiny, and one of the worst attended cons on record.
Even with all of that, we still have 500+ events for the convention attendee to choose from!

The full PEL can be found here, and it is a thing of beauty. One thing I enjoyed greatly was that each start time was bookmarked for easy reference.

Let's get down to brass tacks, what games are being run?  Missing this con this year in particular, is now beginning to piss me off.  The convention theme:

“Empires at War” 
Colonial Warfare, Imperialism and Gunboat Diplomacy, 1836-1937

couldn't fit my historical interests any better. I do believe that there are more than two dozen non-gnome that caught my eye.  

Seriously, I've been forced to survive Napoleonic theme after Napoleonic theme, and my reward is a con theme I love at the biggest venue available, and I can't go?


Okay, enough of that, here's the Gnome Wars games  first.

T-462 Gnome Wars: The Defense of Regensburg
2 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Jim Stanton: Scale: 28mm: Rules: Gnome Wars: No. of Players: 12.
To the East of the Bavarian Forest lies the tranquil town of Regensburgn, a port on the banks of the Regen River.Regensburg has attracted the attention of the Allies because the inhabitants of the town supply the German military with the majority of its vehicles and tanks. The Germans have entrenched hoping to repulse the allied attack and save the Motor Works factory. No players under 13 without a playing adult with parent/child teams encouraged. Anyone bringing a painted unit from Brigade Games does not have to pre-register.  Also run as S-467 at 7pm Saturday.

T-463 Gnome Wars: The Castle in Teutoburg Forest
Gnomes: 7 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Steven Stanton: Scale: 28mm: Rules: Gnome Wars: No. of Players: 12.  On the retreat after losing their brewery in a fierce battle, Lon’s Lunkheads meet up with the rest of their clan at a German stronghold in Teutoburg Forest. The Highlanders, Swiss, and Sikhs hope to defeat Lon and crush his monopoly of the gnome beer market. Let’s hope that their pillaging of the brewery
doesn’t influence the allies’ battle readiness. No players under 13 without a playing adult with parent/child teams encouraged. Anyone bringing a painted unit from Brigade Games does not have to pre-register.Also run as F-465 at 7pm Friday.

No official confirmation from Jim, but from the sounds of these descriptions, they probably have the big castle table that MBA sets up.

And we have other gnome games!

S-212 Wings of Gnome Wars Theme
WWI: 3 PM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Brian Robinette: Scale: 1/48:  Rules: Wings of War: No. of Players: 8.
Come play WOW as it was meant to be 1:48 using Corgi Biplanes!!! Rules taught, Parent/Child teams encouraged.

F-464 Gnome Wars
Gnomes: 2 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Brian Robinette: Scale:
28mm: Rules: Gnome Wars: No. of Players: 8.
The Jagermeisters are back at it, trying to settle a score with
Les Legion du Chocolat Suisse. Will the Suisse send the Huns
packing or will they melt in the face of German offensive heat?

Fresh from a raving success at Spring Fever,  Brian's games should be a hoot!  One day I might even post the pics from it that I found online.

Fun fact:  out of 500+ games, only 5 of them are listed under "Gnome," and another has gnome pilots.  

It has been confirmed, Historicon is being overrun by Gnome Wars.  Sell off all your lead to me cheaply and  get out of the hobby, the world is ending, the Mayans were right.

The one thing that disappoints me is that there is no Gnome Joust, or Gladiator Combat, or Bake Sale (Mike, I'm looking at you!).  Perhaps Virginia frowns upon bounties a bit more than Pennsylvania.

And now, the rest of the Viscount Eric desired games, in chronological order, with minimal comment.

T-266 George S. Patton vs Pancho Villa
Theme, Western: 9 AM:
High Noon goodness.

T-321 Battle of Beige Bay, 1904 
Theme, Early 20th Century: 2 PM: Length: 6: Hosted by: Chris Carlson: Scale: 1/6000: Rules: Fear God & Dread Naught: No.of Players: 12.
Large-scale Russo-Japanese fleet action.

T-509 Seal Team 6: Operation Smackdown
Modern: 3 PM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Del Stover: Scale: 25mm: Rules: Dr. Who Miniatures Game: No. of Players: 4. 
Seal Team 6 caught my eye,  Dr Who Miniatures for the system has me scratching my head. Plus it's only a four-player game.  That is either going to be epic or a complete disaster.

T-306 Mall of the Walking Dead
Modern: 5 PM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Steven Johnson: Scale:25mm: Rules: Dawn of the Dead: No. of Players: 8.
A miniature version of the SPI boardgame.

T-208 “Not men, but demons.” The Foreign Legion at Camerone, 30 April 1863 
Theme,  Colonial: 7 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Michael Montemarano:  Scale: 28mm: Rules: Rich Hasenauer’s Alamo, modified: No. of  Players: 9.
Hey, I enjoy French Foreign Legion games...

T-540 Northwest Frontier by G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. 
Theme, Colonial: 7 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Buck Surdu: Scale:  28mm: Rules: The G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. Compendium: No. of  Players: 8.
One, Northwest Frontier.  Two, Russian Victorian Sci-Fi.  I just want to see this!

F-157 The Alamo – Children’s Game
Theme  Mexican War: 9 AM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Bob Burnham: Scale: 25mm: Rules: The Sword and the Flame (modified): No. of Players: 8.
I love that this guy is running separate games for kids and adults.  Of course, by the end, half the adults belong at the kids game and vice versa.

F-430 Return to the Fort – French Foreign Legion 
Theme, Colonial: 9 AM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Scott Landis: Scale:10mm: Rules: The Sword and the Flame: No. of Players: 6.
FFL in 10mm?  I'll bite

F-288 Holiday in Zululand, South Africa, 1879 
Theme, Colonial: 9 AM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Ed Watts: Scale: 15mm: Rules: The Sword and the Flame: No. of Players: 6.

F-193 Battle of Manila Bay
19th Century: 9 AM: Length: 2: Hosted by: Brian DeWitt:  Scale: 1/2400: Rules: When Dreadnoughts Ruled the Seas: No.of Players: 6.

F-122 “The Shortest War in History” – The Anglo-Zanzibari War, 27 Aug 1896
Theme, Colonial: 11 AM: Length: 5: Hosted by: Rick Nance: Scale:  28mm: Rules: Soldier’s Companion (modified 2nd edition): No. of Players: 10.
Everyone knows I love this obscure stuff.  Plus the guy is selling off the terrain, so you can buy and prep your own Zanzibari game for the Obscure War theme for Cold Wars 2014!

F-158 The Alamo – Adult’s Game 
Theme, Mexican War: 2 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Bob Burnham:  Scale: 25mm: Rules: The Sword and the Flame (modified): No. of Players: 8.

F-529 Mystic Warriors – the Boxer Legend 
Theme, Colonial: 2 PM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Ben Fornshell: Scale: 25mm: Rules: Tabletop Battle System: No. of Players: 6.

F-434 The Defense of Rorkes Drift, January 22-23, 1879 
Theme, Colonial: 2 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Thomas Uhl: Scale: 28mm: Rules: Never Take Them Alive: No. of Players: 6.

F-317 Battle of Luzon Strait, 1913 
Theme, WWI: 2 PM: Length: 6: Hosted by: Michael Harris: Scale: 1/2400: Rules: Fear God & Dread Naught: No. of Players: 12.
Some German-American "What if" Naval play in the Phillipines.

F-513 Seal Team 6: Not on My Watch!
Modern: 2 PM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Del Stover: Scale: 25mm: Rules: Dr. Who Miniatures Game: No. of Players: 4.
Doctor Who-oooo,   hey!  Doctor  Who!

F-183 Prevent Defense Theme
Colonial: 4 PM: Length: 6: Hosted by: Russ Jeff: Scale: 25mm:  Rules: The Sword and the Flame: No. of Players: 8.
U.S. Marines are making a river assault on a French Foreign Legion outpost that has been stopping and seizing American gold shipments.  - The description is more than enough to make me giddy.

F-168 Campaign of Vengeance 
Theme, Colonial: 7 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Bruce Schaper: Scale: 25mm: Rules: Land of the Long White Cloud Home Rules: No. of Players: 4.
Maori Wars

F-281 Pancho Villa’s Raid, 1926
Inter-War: 7 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Rob Beattie: Scale: 28mm: Rules: Flying Lead: No. of Players: 8.

F-247 Pig Wars – Saxon Raiders
Dark Ages: 8 PM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Steve Robinson: Scale: 28mm: Rules: Pig Wars – modified: No. of Players: 6.
Pig Wars is a guilty pleasure, our group needs to play more  of it

F-272 Poncho Villa invades the US!
Theme, Western: 8 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Leo Walsh: Scale: 25mm: Rules: High Noon: No. of Players: 16.

S-365 Rourke’s Picnic Theme
Colonial: 9 AM: Length: 2: Hosted by: Jim Reynolds: Scale: 28mm: Rules: Teddy Bear Picnic: No. of Players: 8.
There has got to be more Teddy Bear games as a rule...

S-531 The Fall of Beijing
Colonial: 10 AM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Ben Fornshell: Scale: 25mm: Rules: Tabletop Battle System: No. of Players: 6.

S-251 Trench Wars – Treat Them Rough!:
WWI: 10 AM: Length: 3: Hosted by: Steve Robinson: Scale: 28mm, Rules: Trench Wars,  No of Players: 10

S-534 Boxer Rebellion
Colonial: 5 PM: Length: 2: Hosted by: Ben Fornshell: Scale: 25mm: Rules: Tabletop Battle System: No. of Players: 6.

S-336 Rorke’s Drift Theme
Colonial: 7 PM: Length: 5: Hosted by: Daniel Stokes: Scale:10mm: Rules: Home Grown: No. of Players: 6.

S-428 Midnight Massacre
American Civil War: 10 PM: Length: 4: Hosted by: Scott Landis: Scale: 15mm: Rules: Fire and Fury (Brigade): No. of Players: 25.

Thank God there's no Sunday games that are must-play. After the Midnight Massacre I would be exhausted!  Twenty--seven games I would be interested in playing, a good deal of over-lap, and this year pre-registrants can register for TWO games per day!   

Gotta hit the Powerball... Gotta hit the Powerball.

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