
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Viscount Eric 30K

Sometime in mid-September 2009, I started this blog, and after three years, almost 400 posts, and some wacky goings-on, Gaming with the Gnomies has finally reached 30,000 pageviews!  And yes, that's not counting my nostalgic views like a loving parent.  

Where has the time gone?  Why do I still have a mountain of lead to paint?  The two little girls I love and adore might be the answer to those questions (and my wife too...)

This is an eclectic blog, I thoroughly admit it.  I've written about miniatures, wargaming, RPGs, random interet games, raising gaming kids, and, of course, various and sundry entries about gnomes.  But what brings a random person to this blog?   I present to you the Top Ten Most Popular Blog Entries of All-Time!

#10 Cold Wars 2011Part Three: Gnomes!:  A nice recap of the Gnome Wars Verdun game Jim ran, also, if my memory serves me correct, my first encounter with Mr. Michael Lung. Oh, what madness has occurred within a year...

#9 Jurrasic Reich:  One of possibly two posts mentioning Eureka's Weird War II line.  The minis look great and the players at cons look like they're having a blast. I have too many other items to purchase from Eureka to even ponder adding any of these to the list.

#8 Historicon 2010 Part Three: The Other Games: A rather ho-hum report of the"other" games I didn't play at Historicon. Not my best work.

#7 Modelling with Formula Bottles:  One of my many aborted projects. I got a few cleaned and primed, but a stray cat adopted our garage, and had kittens, so in a post-natal cleaning frenzy, they all got chucked.

#6 Paper Tanks: My only mention of paper miniatures.

#5 Beer and Pretzels Gaming at Steve's Man Cave: One of the posts I am proud of, our gaming session at Steve's that included not only Mouse Guard, but also a game of Burning Plastic fought among pretzel bags and beer bottles.  We all need a dose of this from time to time!

#4 Historicon 2010 Part Two: Uncle Duke's Diamond Jubilee My  review of Uncle Duke's retirement, and the plethora of games he had running (and for sale).

#3 Reapers New Mouseling Line: My first mention of Reaper's Mouselings, poorly formatted at that.

#2 Eureka Releases Mice WarriorsMy first mention of Eureka's line, with one pic covering all the figures, plus a pic of armed schoolgirls. 

#1 Settlers of Catan 15th Anniversary Edition: Not gnomes, not Hackmaster, not even cute mice could top the list.  That title resides with an quick post promoting the bookshelf edition of Settlers of Catan.  Even on a slow  week this can net two dozens hits from google and yahoo searches.  The funniest thing is, this post has more page views than 2-4 combined!

The funny thing is, even this month, the top three posts are the top three all-time.  Which means I need to either start playing some Catan, or that box of mice need paint jobs!

Thanks to all who have visited. I'll try to do better next time....

Edit:  It seems, upon further review, that Blogger is not calculating the all-time post counts correctly.  Some page view numbers are off by almost a hundred, and other posts, such as my Battle of Yellowstone AAR should easily fit into 8th place.  Ah, mysterious Google.

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