
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cthulhu, the Specialist Character, and other Myths

I'm working on some pregaming to start up our Call of Cthulhu campaign again.  The players have spread out to the four winds, but I can get a couple of them together at a time and still keep the theme of the game.  To do this, I'm reviewing multiple scenarios to cover most of the contingencies this fractured group has.

My biggest concern is involving each Investigator in the appropriate scenario.  No reason to get the absent minded professor involved with the mob and send the PI and his Moll to an Egyptian dig.  Some of the investigators are experienced, while others just got their feet wet.  Getting the newbies up to speed and keeping the Old Guard sane for a little while longer is in all the players' interests, including my own. I've been reviewing the potential scenarios for skill use, SAN loss, SAN recovery, as well as any potential Cthulhu Mythos gains.

Just off the top of my head, I also pondered two CoC myths: a) it's just a game where Investigators either go insane or kill themselves before they do so, and b) a specialized Academic with a high SAN and good Library Use is of utmost importance, if he can stay sane.

For the most part, A) is an over-exaggeration of the truth.  Statistically speaking, Investigators'  SAN scores are destined to go into a downward spiral.  In most scenarios, the potential SAN loss greatly exceeds the potential SAN reward.  In published campaigns, you might not see SAN rewards for multiple sessions, all the while the accumulated horrors of the Mythos are bringing the Investigator closer and closer to the brink of madness.

For the second part, that specialized Egyptologist who speaks multiple languages, high combat skills, and a Library Use of  75%+ is great for research, but becomes a very minor character once the scenario gets moving.  The three most referenced skills in the scenarios I've analyzed?  Spot Hidden, Persuade, Fast Talk.  One is very limited in their information if they only get it from books.

I was pleasantly surprised as to how varied "required" skills were in the game.  Odd languages were expected, but not Chemisty and Physics.

I present to you, the skills required, SAN loss/reward, and possible Cthulhu Mythos gain in each scenario out of the CoC 6.5 core rulebook.  I'm not posting these as a cheat sheet for players, rather a tool to ensure Keepers have a scenario that might fit the pacifist guru, mute bodyguard, illiterate flapper, and alcoholic dentist your players have presented to you.

A couple disclaimers with the data interpretation.  These skills are the ones mentioned in the scenario itself. Any smart player will try to find a legit way to work in an Accounting roll, or find use for his Pilot: Dirigible.  Of course the Keeper might require a Jump or such to get the investigators an out in a bad situation    This also doesn't take into consideration the use of any combat skill, unless the big baddy specifically wants a duel or a knife fight.

The potential SAN loss was calculated adding the low and high ranges for each SAN loss mentioned.    Consider the low number to be the lowest SAN loss if everything goes wrong and all SAN checks are successful.  The upper end only consists of max SAN losses, and does not include things like graphic combat scenes, or SAN losses during side treks.

The Haunting 
Credit Rating x2
Fast Talk x2
Library Use x3

2-20 Potential SAN loss
1-6   Potential SAN reward
+9 Cthulhu Mythos

Edge of Darkness
Credit Rating
Cthulhu Mythos*
Fast Talk
Library Use x3
Listen x2
Natural History
Spot Hidden x2

9-45 Potential SAN loss
3-23 Potential SAN gain
+1 Cthulhu Mythos

The Madman
Credit Rating x2
Fast Talk
Spot Hidden

1-112 Potential SAN loss
1-16   Potential SAN gain
0  Cthulhu Mythos

Dead Man Stomp
Cthulhu Mythos
Credit Rating x3
Drive Auto
Fast Talk  x3
Listen x2
Psychology x2
Spot Hidden x7

5-58 Potential SAN loss
0-16 Potential SAN gain
0   Cthulhu Mythos

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