
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Jaarl are here!

TMP has been a bit quiet as of late, but an announcement by ZombieSmith today, coupled with word of a gaming day in the near horizon has made things groovy. ZombieSmith announced the release of a skirmish of The Jaarl, one of the many races they produce for 28mm.

For starters, these guys are adorably vicious, perfect for a savage gnome opponent.  They are 22mm, which is goblin sized in 28mm, Big Bugbear sized in 15mm, and Where the Wild Things Are furry behemoths in 6mm.  $15.00 for the pack of six.

While doing some quick browsing, I also fell upon this little gem for 28mm:

This vehicle, listed as Kryst: Sothwyr Wagon, looks perfect for gnome action. In fact, despite its sizeable appearance, I can picture a giant key sticking out of somewhere, making it one heck of a bicycle tank.

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