
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

54mm Stable for Little People

Part of my treasures from Cold Wars every year is always something from the All the Kings Men booth.

I think it's out of guilt that I can't find the time or the players to play AWI.  Part of it may be that in a previous life almost twenty years ago, ATKM owner Ken Cliffe was editor of White Wolf Magazine and gave me my first gaming related "job" as one of the RPG line reviewers in the back of the magazine.

At recent cons, I've moved from buying up a unit at a time and tossing them into the box in the garage, never to see the light of day, to snagging up terrain: trees, river sets, and haystacks.  This year was their new unpainted stable in a lightweight foam resin.

Unlike the haystacks and the bridges, the stable is a bit big for gnomes.  I might be able to pull off a full sized barn, but even then the doors are enormous.  No worries, as I'll make this the centerpiece for the kid's Easter game this weekend.  Perhaps there shall be a "Battle at the Farm."
In a world of Little People, 30mm Gnomes are rather tiny
We do use a lot of Little People in the kids games (they are 2 and 4), and they just about a perfect size

The Highwaymen attempt to rob the Princess
One of the factors in purchasing this was that the foam resin felt like Styrofoam, but was very resilient against normal wear and tear.  It's a goner if the dog gets it, or I sit on it, but the kids are very good with Daddy's "gnomes" of all shape and sizes.

Painting wise, I had a few disasters.  Since the kids normally paint their own things while I do, I set them up first before getting mine ready.  However, when I finally got the chance to sit down, I discovered that they somehow snagged up all my new paintbrushes.  Gah!  Fortunately, I still had a few oversized brushes to add base coats and the six layers of drybrushing for the wood.    I got a lot of paint on other figures this weekend, but this is the only thing I completed.

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