
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, March 25, 2013

Teddy's Rough Riders.... on Harleys?

While I've admitted being rather nonplussed about Alien Dungeon's Fanticide, the more I look at their second project, All Quiet on the Martian Front, the more I realize I just need to hit the lottery and take the plunge into 15mm Victorian/Great War Sci-Fi.

When I was at Cold Wars, I managed to take a couple bad pictures of the models at the Alien Dungeon booth.

Martian Walker

Baby Walkers?

Tanks and Artillery
While I love some of the 25-30mm Martian stuff that's out there, like Eureka's, 15mm is better suited for large scale warfare.  Plus the tanks and artillery are calling my name everytime I see them.   The Mark III Baldwins are just screaming Gnome Wars. 

The next thing to get me all in a dither were pictures and descriptions of the "Rough Riders on Early Harleys."  The pics are pretty basic (and they are 15mm, so they can't get too crazy):

Rough Riders - or "Teddy's Own," as they like to call themselves - are some of the bravest (some say foolhardy) volunteers in the army. Operating in small squadrons, they are equipped with grappling launchers. They ride at breakneck speeds on their Harley motorcycles around the feet of the advancing tripods. Once a few grapnels have landed in the works of the Martian machines, the Rough Riders race around in circles, binding the thing's legs together, and getting it to topple, or at the very least be stuck immobile. The tactic does work on occasion, at least enough to inspire more volunteers for the heavy losses incurred by these units.

So essentially the Rough Riders have turned into Snow Speeders toppling AT-ATs in Empire Strikes Back?


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