
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

#30GamesAMonth Days 4-7.

The load at work, Maja's first week at school, and Millie changing day cares has made this endeavor just as challenging as I suspected.

Day 4 - Zombie Dice
Dad built up a careful supply of brains, only for Maja to go gangbusters in the last round for the win.

Day 5 - Eggs and Empires
A fun little card game about outwitting your opponents and dragon eggs.  The game is available here.

Day 6 - Risus  Illuminati University (IOU)
The traditional Day of Sloth game with two Sophomores and two Freshthings butchering "Scavenger Hunt" from East Texas University 

Day 7 - The Village on the Hill
A Peaceful Storytelling Game where the players all play helpful spirits named Kami.  Millie only disappeared for a few moments of this game, where the premise was an early blizzard caught the village off guard and it was up to the spirits help a villager find her pet... monkey.    The Question/Action mechanic might be a bit much for a 4 and 6 year old, but a little nudging Dad got them thinking, and by the end of the game, all three monkeys in the village were safe and sound.  

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