
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Fall-In! 2015 PEL is Up!

The Preliminary Event List for Fall-In 2015, November 6-8, is officially up!

As I normally do, here's a list of "ViscountEric Approved" events that at least interest me.  I am looking a little harder at "Kid's Games" as my daughter Maja is coming with me this time.


F: 204 : Sailors on the Starless Sea Fri, 9:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM, 6 players  GM: Eric Betts - Period: Fantasy - Scale: 25mm - Rules: Dungeon Crawl Classics (0-level rules; one page)
Local villagers have been disappearing - could it have something to do with the old ruined keep overlooking the town? A heroic peasant mob intends to find out! Game uses the combat mechanics from a role playing game for miniature combat.

F: 333 : Attack on Fort Edmonton Fri, 9:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM, 4 players F: 333 : Attack on Fort Edmonton - GM: Phil Gardocki - Period: Victorian Science Fiction - Scale: 15mm - Rules: All Quiet on the Martian Front
It is 1914, and the Martian expansion has been held in check by the Canadian forces stationed at Fort Edmonton in the far west. But with the arrival of the new human war machine, the Collective Hive Mind has deemed that it is necessary to attack on the main human base in the area and eliminate the threat before it can be effectively used against them.
Always a little disappointed when an awesome sounding game only has 4 player slots.

F: 399: Lightning out of Israel Fri, 9:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM, 6 players GM: Stephen Wagner and Del-Val - Sponsor: - Prize: - Period: Modern - Scale: 15mm - Rules: FoW-AIW
In the Sinai: A task force under Gen. Sharon moved out of Negev and attacked the Arab stronghold at Abu Arish. The battle, complex on paper and even more so in the field, went more or less according to plan. Can you stop the initial Israeli onslaught? Soviet/Egyptian doctrine called for absorbing the initial assault then counter attacking in force. With the main battles fought during the night an

F: 104 : VSF Racing in the Woods Fri, 10:00:00 AM - 12:00:00 PM, 10 players GM: Jon Lundberg - Period: Victorian Science Fiction - Scale: 25mm - Rules: VSF Racing
The quiet forest is disturbed by the sound of steam and pistons as VSF contraptions weave their way through the forest. Are they headed to Grandma's House? Lots of space - drop by for a quick game before the dealer's hall opens Children should be at least 10 to play independently

F: 272: Zombie Apocalypse Fri, 10:00:00 AM - 2:00:00 PM, 6 players GM: Kenny Noe and ODGW Period: SciFi - Scale: 28mm - Rules: Mein Zombie
Come play and learn Mein Zombie!! Great game for all gamers 8 years old and up!! The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! Join a band of survivors are they try and reach a safe extraction point. However to get there they must travel through zombie territory and survive roaming hoards of zombies. The ever present fear of being eaten alive or bitten and becoming a zombie yourself!
With Maja's dice rolls in Zombie games recently, she may rule the battlefield!

F: 221 : Fantz: Fantasy Ants Fri, 1:00:00 PM - 3:00:00 PM, 12 players GM: Marc Rubin - Period Fantasy - Scale: 10,000:1 - Rules: Fantz
Lunch is coming... Command an army of ants in a war-torn picnic table as you fight other ant races for the sacred candy. Choose between Elves, Dwarves, Zombies or the Candy Guardians in this fast-paced miniature game. Easy to learn but fun for everyone. Individual games run about 30-45 minutes. Walk ups and children welcome.

F: 378 : Gnome Wars: The Station at The End of The Line Fri, 2:00:00 PM - 6:00:00 PM, 7 players GM: James Stanton - Period: Other: Gnomes - Scale: 28mm - Rules: Gnome Wars
The US Cavalry needs to protect a station just inside Yellowstone National Park. The Yellowstone Special, carrying visiting dignitaries, gold for the payroll, and various "beverages," is inbound and several interested parties are headed for the station. Who will be in control when the train pulls in?

F: 125 : The siege of of Louisbourg 1758 Fri, 3:00:00 PM - 6:00:00 PM, 6 players
GM: Billy Molyneaux - Period: French & Indian War - Scale: 25mm - Rules: Matt Fritz
The French are defending the fortress city of louisbourg out numbered by the Britsh but they have the protection of the walls. This is a light beer and pretzel game based on junior generals scenario.

F: 255 : July 1918 - Make the Kaiser Dance Fri, 6:00:00 PM - 10:00:00 PM, 8 players  GM: Alan Crane - Period: World War I - Scale: 28mm - Rules: Trench Wars
The German offensive has been stopped on the banks of the Marne River! Now a combined force of Americans, French and Senegalese with the help of some French tanks are launching a counterattack to drive the Huns back. Will they drive the Germans from the trenches or will they die a glorious death in no mans land? Beginners welcome. Children under 14 with a playing adult.

F: 298 : Ambush at Groß-Barmen (German South-West Africa, 1904) Fri, 6:00:00 PM - 10:00:00 PM, 6 players  GM: Roy Jones - Period: Colonial - Scale: 25mm - Rules: The Sword and the Flame German sailors from a Naval Landing Party march through a narrow defile. The Hereros wait in ambush, hidden in the boulder-strewn hills above. They realize that the Sanitation Carriage contains more than just medical supplies (maybe even cartridges!) The Herero plan: shoot the oxen, shoot the sailors, take the Carriage!

F: 210 : 1780 , AWI 54mm slugfest Fri, 7:00:00 PM - 11:00:00 PM, 6 playersGM: Robert Lehman - Period: American War for Independence - Scale: 54mm - Rules: ATKM
Large scale meeting engagement. Time to breakout the BIG Boys again. Come and command Hessians, Loyalists, Red Coats ,Continental's, French and maybe even a few Indians! Easy to learn and fun to play .Using ATKM modified big game rules. 12 and up unless with parent please.

F: 341 : The Temple of the Snake Goddess Fri, 7:00:00 PM - 11:00:00 PM, 12 players F: 341 : The Temple of the Snake Goddess - GM: Howard Whitehouse - Period: Fantasy - Scale: 25mm - Rules: Chainmail Bikini
When the astrologer kings foretold that the double eclipse of the moons demanded sacrifices, seers declared that gory ceremonies must occur in the ruined pyramid city of Chepe-Tequila. So they went, with gilded retinues, to the jungles south. They failed to consult the snake priestesses of that city, thinking their power waned to nothing - a mistake, as survivors would later admit

F: 354 : Star Crush Starfighter Miniatures Game Fri, 7:00:00 PM - 11:00:00 PM, 8 playersGM: Lee Vanschaik - Period: SciFi - Scale: 1:250 - Rules: Star Crush Starfighter Miniatures Game
Join us to playtest our new rules for the Star Crush Starfighter Game. This game simulates starfighter combat in space between the Commorium and the Xothic. The Commorium thought they were alone in the Commorium Quadrant of the Federated Republic Empire of Planets, but that didn't account for the Xothic.

F: 375 : Gnome Wars: The Joust Fri, 8:00:00 PM - 10:00:00 PM, 30 players  GM: Steven Stanton - Period: Other: Gnomes - Scale: 28mm - Rules: Gnome Wars
Hear Ye, Hear Ye - you are invited to the Annual Fall-In! Gnome Wars Jousting Tournament. Rules Taught - quick, easy, FUN! PRIZES!! No one under 10 without a playing adult.

S: 185: Assault on Santa's Village Sat, 9:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM, 7 players GM: Kurt Schlegel and HAWKS - Sponsor: - Prize: - Period: Fantasy - Scale: 25mm - Rules: GASLIGHT
A horde of goblins and orcs and other baddies are descending on Santa's Village and trying to steal all the presents. Will Rudolph, Yukon Cornelius and Hermie the Dentist save the day or will Christmas be ruined.

S: 396: ARRR! Thar be Gnomes! Sat, 10:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM, 6 players GM: James F. Reynolds and WNPG - Sponsor: Brigade Games - Prize: Miniatures- Period: Age of Piracy - Scale: 28mm - Rules: Gnome Wars
Rumors have spread about the location of the treasure of the famous pirate Flowerpot Jack. Many a hearty Gnome Pirate crew has joined the race to find it. Come join a crew or bring you own crew of gnomes to the party. Bringing you own crew of Gnomes and ship will get you in even if the game is full.

S: 290 : A Very British Civil War Sat, 1:00:00 PM - 4:00:00 PM, 10 players Period: Inter-War - Scale: 25mm - Rules: Trench Wars modified
Edward VIII does not relinquish the throne in 1938 and the country breaks down into squabbling faction. Join the fascists, Commies, Anglicans or one of the other groups in a light hearted romp through the British countryside.

S: 177: Tarnopol 19 July 1917 Sat, 1:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM, 8 players GM: Steve Gelhard and HAWKS - Sponsor: - Prize: - Period: World War I - Scale: 10mm - Rules: Take Action! - After the failure of the Kerensky Offensive, the Germans decided to take Tarnopol to cripple the SW Front and advance into the Ukraine to capture food supplies and possibly topple the Provisional Govt. An entrenched Provisional Govt Division with Kornilov Shock Bns are attacked by a German Division with planes and balloons, Assault Bns, gas, flamethrowers and more.

S: 234 : Gold Rush Sat, 2:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM, 16 players S: 234 : Gold Rush - GM: Joe Moore - Period: Western - Scale: 25mm - Rules: The Rules With No Name
Bring a team of four players (or we'll arrange one out of who shows up) and take a shot (Ha!) at grabbing the goodies. Four teams rush for the stash and must grab it and then get it off the tabletop. Ideally, we'd like to get three 1-hour heats in on differing terrain - waterhole, town and hill. Play one round or more. No age requirements. Kids under 14 bring a parent to play along with you.

S: 179: Plastic Pirates Party! Sat, 3:00:00 PM - 5:00:00 PM, 8 players S: 179: Plastic Pirates Party! - GM: Geoff Graff and HAWKS - Sponsor: - Prize: - Period: Age of Piracy - Scale: 40mm - Rules: Little Lego Looters -
Captain Ogle and his crew are celebrating their latest victory at the tavern. All the other pirates are not happy. What will they do? A kids game. Playing adults are welcome (if space allows) only with a child.

S: 222 : Fantz: Fantasy Ants Sat, 6:00:00 PM - 8:00:00 PM, 12 players  GM: Marc Rubin - Period: Fantasy - Scale: 10,000:1 - Rules: Fantz -
Lunch is coming... Command an army of ants in a war-torn picnic table as you fight other ant races for the sacred candy. Choose between Elves, Dwarves, Zombies or the Candy Guardians in this fast-paced miniature game. Easy to learn but fun for everyone Individual games last about 30-45 minutes. Children and walk ups welcome.

S: 296 : Haitian Slave Revolt Sat, 7:00:00 PM - 10:00:00 PM, 8 players - GM: Brian Dewitt - Period: Colonial - Scale: 15mm - Rules: The Sword and the Flame Modified
The Haitian Slave Revolt started in 1791 with its central organizer Voodoo Priest Boukman. French forces loyal to the crown and Colonists battled back and forth with the slaves. In 1793 many French units were called back to Europe and the Slave Army took to the offense. Toussaint L'Ouverture became leader some time after Boukman was killed in battle.

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