
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, January 22, 2016

More Palm Trees, Martian Spiders, and More!

With a few early nights for the kids, plus a week of paralyzing fear of snow hitting the east coast of the entire Western Hemisphere,  I got to venture down into the basement again. 

After a long eternity, I cranked out the five Pegasus Hobbies Small Palm Trees "A" plus a random piece of terrain from a plastic army men/dinosaur playset.

On this episode of Big Trees, Little People...
The original link I used to help paint my first batch is gone, but it looks as if Brookhurst Hobbies will  save it for future generations.
I was going to finish up a set of the "large" palm trees from Pegasus, but upon issues.  As the palm leaves are inserted on the dowel atop the trunk, the dowel snapped off on every .... single ... one. It's bad enough the larger palm leaves are particularly fragile, but the thicker top should not be falling off, especially since I widened out the holes of each piece.   Drilling and pinning ahoy!
I've been trying to fool around with a paint scheme for some goblin spider rider mount for my "Martian" scheme.  I figured the initial tests should be done cheaply, so I used a pack of black plastic spiders I picked up at Michael's  for a dollar or two.  They're not very detailed, which didn't create the impact I expected with an Ultramarine wash, but it should pop beautifully with the Warhammer figs.

Finally is the fighter from the Grenadier Dungeoneers pack.
Will have to touch up on the eye.  It's just a biiiiiiit outside.
You waited 25 years to paint us up and we get eaten by spiders the first night?  Yeesh!

 Next:  I have four more bases of palm trees to finish up, three palm trees that need to be drilled and pinned, and some more Grenadier fantasy to finish up.   From there  I see Pulp Figures, the return to refurbishing the gnomes, and perhaps a Battlemech or two.
This week's painting is brought to you by Troegs Mad Elf Ale.

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