
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Gnome Swiss 3rd Engineering Corps

Outside of Millie's Dragon and a Giant Skeleton, it has been a miserable month for painting.  Real life stinks and going to bed at a decent hour instead of going downstairs to work on projects kept me less tired, but equally grumpy. 
Even with this week's trip to New York City and a flurry of other activities, I've descended the stairs to finish a few figures. 
First are six figures to near closer to the completion of the vaunted Swiss 3rd Engineering Corps for Gnome Wars.

Swiss gnomes are world-renown for the mining and tunneling skills.  The 1st Engineers are quite proficient and efficient in their craft, handling nearly all the duties necessary for the Swiss Army.    That relegates the 2nd Engineers to primarily a reserve status, many times planning and coordinating the projects for the 1st. 

That leaves the third and final group of engineers.  The 3rd is filled with gnomes who didn't meet the more stringent requirements of the 1st and 2nd, and the children of union workers.   Many times this unit is loaned out to the Ministry of the Interior and given the task of repairing roads all across the country, hence their attire. 

The unit is usually equipped with a larger group of melee (digging) weapons that associated.  The few rifles are given to gnomes whose only orders are to block the portion of the road being worked on and stand perfectly still.    A single Cheesethrower is attached to each workgroup, to fill in the larger potholes.  The cheese only lasts for three to four months, but that ensures job security. 

I haven't finished the two NCOs that fill out the unit.  Their pole arms and puffy sleeves are not cooperating with the paint scheme.  I've decided to push them to the back of the current painting queue.
I'm also almost finished with Ewe Cowles, part of the RAFM Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Miniatures Kickstarter that finally arrived at my house last month. 
Her larger scale would make her a WNBA player when compared to my other 32mm+ figures, if it weren't for the fact that she's dangerously thin, lithe might be a better word.  The giant slot base does not help things either.  I may be forced to remount all the miniatures on mdf bases, but first I need to redo those eyes.  Eyes aren't my strong suit, but I reverted back to a technique that was acceptable painting Ral Parthas in my parent's basement in 1991.  I blame the alcoholic root beer.
Rear view.  You catch spy the Swiss NCOs hiding in the back.
Ewe will make her gaming debut soon as Lena Harding, semi-competent starlet with an annoying pet in the Savage Showdown Pulp game with the girls.

Next Up:  Some leftover Egyptian statuary, some more CoC minis (Lena needs a driver!), and I start to organize and paint the 30+ mouslings I already have for my Rat-na-Rok game.

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