
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Project 350 Week One

Last week I posted about my personal Project 350, getting my backlog of blog draft  and scheduled posts from 388 down to 350.  With less craziness than my work and holiday schedules inundated me, I was hoping to finish up a few lingering write-ups, play a game or two, and paint up some figures on the bench. 

So, after the first week, how many am I down from 287 drafts and 81 scheduled?
After all my huff and puff about this project, my two scheduled posts went off with the usual fanfare, outside of a Rust Monster, nothing was completed painting-wise, and outside of the my review of Pulp Alley's The Lost World of Lemuria (posted yesterday) and writing up my Apathy of New Releases column (posting 1/25), all other writing projects are 70-80% done. 

To be honest, my most fatal flaw was that my fellow gamers in the blogosphere posted some awesome, I've got some Arab Revolt painting samples, a few scenarios, and a moment of weakness where I unwisely ventured into the Orcs in the Webbe archives

Outside of some early basketball games Saturday, I have an uninterrupted weekend with the girls.  A painting session and a game or two and I can see up to six coming off the total.  

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