
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Halfway There....

Regular readers know I use some strange government-style October to September calendar to track my gaming stuff, and besides Easter and April Fool's, tomorrow is also the start of the second half of that calendar.

Blogging:   Out of over 190 posts, cons and F20 RPGs rule the top 10:
#1 Fall-In! 2017 AAR
#2 Cold Wars 2018 AAR
#3 (Hackmaster) BT Redux #0.4 - Fonzie Schleprock
#4 Ballad of the Pigeon God #27 Talis Makolin EXPOSED
#5 (Risus) Texas Roadhouse Massacre
#6 Apathy of the New Releases (Nov '17)
#7 Ballad of the Pigeon God #35 Gladestrom
#8 Ballad of the Pigeon God #38 The Less Than Sterling Life
#9 Ballad of the Pigeon God #30 It's a Wonderful Reunion
#10 Ballad of the Pigeon God #32 There's No Justice Like Baronial Justice

Not really surprising, though.  I've been slacking in the Gnome Wars and other miniature wargaming departments, and quite frankly, the Monday night D&D 5e game and the kid's crazy schedule has changed my focus.  The good news is that the  first episode of the Pulp Game has broken in to the top 20.  

D&D:  Next week marks the 1st anniversary of Ballad of the Pigeon God gracing the blog.  It's been a runaway success, although there's only ten more Actual Plays written. Part of the my Spring projects is writing up the final ten episodes.  Apocalypses are confusing, and with so many characters, and no entry from the player journal, covering continuity and clarity is requiring me sketch out maps, character locations, and other events to keep it entertaining.

The 5e online game I play every Monday night has had its ups and downs, but  it's a few hours carved into my schedule every week, so I will never complain.  After weeks of investigation and character sidestories, the plot has turned to action (in a brothel no less, so in more ways than one) and after next week, we can finally move on to a plotline that my character is interested.

When the 5e game is cancelled, Nate and Steve still contact me and we've been running the Basic D&D Adventures in Gulluvia campaign that I had initially pencilled for a Sunday online game.  It's the opposite of the 5e game, a lot more action with dribs of role-play, but it's progressing nicely.

Painting:  The measely 22 items I've gotten off the bench have been an ecclectic group of figures.  The biggest success has been the Gamecraft MDF buildings.  While they aren't pretty, they do flesh out the Middle-Eastern town for further adventures in the Pulp Game.

Purchases:  The Gamecraft Order (including a nearly finished 6mm Taco Bell) and the infamous "Bin o' Mecha" from the Fall-In Flea Market have been the big purchases in the last six months.  Sliding my car into a guardrail headfirst on the same day as the tax return hitting has tempered my accustomed March spending glut.
The Bin o' Mecha out of it's container and spread out amongst the other Fall-In! swag.
Kickstarter: Biggest pledge has been the OGRE Miniatures 2 campaign, and with the rate I'm painting the first batch, I'm actaully quite happy with the delays.  The biggest delivered campaign has been the Talislanta The Savage Land Kickstarter.  I have my pdf, it is beautiful, and I'm not sure if I'll ever use it... but I'm glad the concept was allowed to come to life.

Project 350: The only thing more annoying than hearing me complain about my real-life problems on my gaming blog, was me complaining about shrinking my scheduled and draft posts in the background of my blog to 350 or below.  A month later, and guess what? I'm back up to 362.  Part of that was a self-imposed moratorium on scheduling out holiday posts with cool artwork I found, plus the expansion of the Pigeon God's finale.

No major tweaks from my long-forgotten plans:
  1.  The Pulp Game:  the kid's actions in the first episode have forced me to paint up a bunch of figures for episode two, but with the kid's gymnastics season ending in April, I think we can get back to things.  
  2.  RPGs:  The 5e/Gulluvia games roll on.  I'd still like to experiment with Savage Rifts (I have lots of ideas in the blog's drafts that I'd love to run.).  And if I can get back to our monthly sessions, perhaps a return to Call of Cthulhu?
  3. Gnome Wars: The inspiration for the blog is demoted to third, but only because some of the writing *spoilers* will not be for the blog.  More to come on this... eventually.  
  4. Painting:  The Frost Giants and Martians have been kicked to the back of the bins.  The painting bench is a total, yet workable, mess.  Spanish-American Infantry for Lt Col Ovaltine (and future Samoa aspirations).  Those damned Schutztruppe. Arab Civilians for the girls to paint.  And let's not forget the beginnings of the Transnitrian Scientific Republic in both 6mm and 28mm.  

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