
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ballad of the Pigeon God #57: The Golden Goose of Aragain

2 SepDec 1072 - On the Road to Rowand City,  Kingdom of Crosedes
With numerous signs pointing to an apocalypse occurring or a long lost God-King arriving, the party knew that acquiring the ancient weapons hidden within the the spire known only as White Plume Mountain were paramount to their potential survival.  With their prophesied wielders either dead or missing, they wouldn't worry about who used the Trident Wave and Longsword The Bloodbrand until they were in their possession.

Sir Norm Dingleberry, General of the Eastern Army, scourge of the Skyforge dwarves, and secretly an ally to the resistance against the Dread Lord.
Mellandria, a scholarly magic-user who barely escaped from the Magistocracy of Emron with her life (and an owl familiar, Horatio).  Back to acting as an agent of the resistance against the Dread Lord.
Sterling Riverbend, a huge quarter-ogre with a disposition slimier than his skin.
Kane, a eastern mystic with elemental control of water.  He had discarded the adventuring life, but with talk for the apocalypse, he dug out his old plate mail and discovered he had never truly left the lifestyle.
Ozark, a crotchety old half-orc cleric that started tagging along with the group after they rescued the halfling village of Elmshire.

8 SepDec 1072, Rowand City, County of Rowad, Kingdom of Crosedes
During the whole trip to Rowand City, they continued to encounter people, young and old, rich and poor, embarking on the slow pilgrimage to Lake Apotheosis to see the return of the God of Goodness and Light.

No matter who they tried to ask, there was no word on Count Zabty.

15 SepDec 1072 - The Giantspire Mountains, Kingdom of Aragain
After travelling through the mountain passes, the party was finally forced to go off-road for a harrowing journey down the ridge towards the supposed site of their destination. A few hours into their mapless endeavour set the tone, as they tried to cross a mountain stream and the water came alive!  The rogue mountain water elemental severely hurt the party, within just a few seconds, and Mellandria casting a shocking grasp at the creature (who was in the stream... as well as the rest of the party) did not help their fortunes.  Eventually they defeated him, although, Ozark's lack of healing talent kept them in poor shape against rock trolls and sniping goblins.

17  SepDec 1072 - A Cloud Giant Castle in the Giantspire Mountains
Still beaten and bloodied, they spied a huge castle on the next mountain and decided to take their chances.
Upon closer inspection the structure wasn't extravagant, it simply was proportionate to its inhabitants.


The fight with the Cloud Giant residing inside and his ogres servants was even more dangerous than the water elemental, but they executed much better.  Finally the giant was dead and they could investigate/loot the castle.

Mellandria climbed up a giant-sized table to get a better view the ground floor.  A familiar voice spoke behind her.

"Hey hot cheeks, want to get me out of here?"

She turned, took one glance at the occupant standing inside a giant birdcage, and cast Shocking Grasp on the cage, knocking its occupant out.

The rest of the party was alarmed by the electrical discharge and questioned what she found.
"Norm, just get me the key.  I found Talis."

"Talis?  Here?  But how do you know it's really him?"

"He's too much of an ass to be Spider-Person."

"Oh, okay.  Here you go then!"  and with that the dwarf chucked the large key up to the tabletop.

DM Notes:  The characters are almost to the location of their first true epic quest.  

But first, let's catch up on the antics and wild hijinx which is Talis Makolin.  

NEXT #58:  Why is Talis in a Birdcage?

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