
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

#30Day30Miniatures Challenge

Earlier this week, James Walls over at Living 4 Crits starting posting about the #30Day30Miniatures Challenge.

The concept is pretty self-explanatory, but copying from his blog:
  1. At the end of each day, you need to complete the painting of one miniature.
  2. Basing is optional. 
  3. It can be any miniature you want, from any game, from any system, from any manufacturer. 
  4. Partially finished miniatures in your pile are fair game. I figure that this is about finishing miniatures, and working through those pesky figures in your vault. Why not include them?
  5. Have fun!
With the Schutztruppe finally finished, and with a little prep time to organize 30 simple projects for the painting bench, I probably could pull this off.

I might file this away for a mid-winter project.

(Edit: On second thought, I am not only liking the idea more and more, but I realize it's a great way to move some of the random lead pile into the painted category.  Warzone, Eureka Teddy Bear Pilots, random promo sprues of Perry historicals I've picked up over the years.   

It would require a solid bit of planning and scheduling, but I should definitely pencil this in for January.)

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