
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Heading Back to Wellsboro

While we're planning a cruise for next Spring, and possibly somewhere in Europe for 2020, this year is a quick escapade up to Wellsboro for an extended weekend, and not a moment too soon.
It's a great time to relax, browse the shops, visit Pop's Culture Shoppe once again, and perhaps, take in the mightiest endeavors of the ViscountEric clan: The Turkey Path
If I could do it when I was five (prior to all the safety renovations, and my wife and I did it pre-kids, my current roster to should have no problem.  But, if we save the Turkey Path's 2.5 mile roundtrip hike and 800 foot drop in elevation for Saturday, I can guarantee the kids (and my wife) sleep through the ride home.

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