
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 29, 2018

(Painting) 28mm Single Story Building with Chimney from My Gaming Table

I might be away for the weekend, but that doesn't mean I didn't clean up some stuff from the painting bench.

I feel like I need a high powered laser to cut my glue-stuck fingers apart, but I have completed the second building from My Gaming Table, sold through Dave's Baggage Train, a Single Story Building with Chimney
The addition to the chimney did not complicate the assembly, although my big fingers failed a few times on the framing for the windows and doors.
With two buildings, I can use these as huge outbuildings for the mice, or, as I've alluded to previously, our Pulp game may make an appearance to the land of meatballs and bikini teams.

Historicon is still on, although my budget took a severe hit this past week.  I'll happily tell you that I'm the healthiest fat person I know.  Blood pressure, cholesterol, etc, are all usually great, even if Maja and Millie now wind me running up and down the basketball court.  So when I felt very unusual pain in my abdomen, I figured it would be smart to run myself to the ER.  Many hours later, an MRI, and a copay that made me cringe, I have a random piece of small intestine that is irritable.

If that was a tiny piece of irritable intestine, those of you with far larger GI issues have my sympathy.

So ViscountEric must begin the harrowing journey into "middle-aged men tests" *insert scary music*

However, I did learn that "UNREMARKABLE" on all my take home reports is a badge of honor for middle-aged dudes.  Apparently my weight and minor vices should show some signs of abuse on my body, yet my tests and scans showed no obvious damage, no fatty tissue, etc.

My liver is perfect! Apparently all that moderation in college is keeping me together now. 

Next in the Queue:  I've got some miscellaneous stuff getting appearing tomorrow, then Arab Civilians, Arab Revolt, and OGRE infantry slowly getting paint.

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