
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ballad of the Pigeon God #68: The Guardian of the Chateau

For a breakdown of what's transpired, check out the Ballad of the Pigeon God Page.  The "Apocalypse" starts with Episode #64.

The Early Morning of the 2nd of DecDec 1072
The Chateau d'Echleon, Outside the Village of Eding
The coming of the God-King was all a ruse.  Felix knew from start that it wouldn't come true, but some people looked for hope anywhere they could find it.   First rumors of evil gods showing up spread through the village of Eding like wildfire, then the fleeing pilgrims, followed by General Norm's army being chased by goblins and orcs as far as the eye could see.

Since his rescue from the dreaded spider-people only a year and a half ago and an invitation to stay at the Chateau, Felix had always taken pride in how the estate looked.  Even in their darkest of times financially, he always tried to touch up some worn paint or replace a battered board on the barn.

But now, he and Brutus, a man whose brain was inversely proportionate to his huge muscles and giant heart, were intentionally damaging the main building of the Chateau, as well as the barn behind them.  Knocking out expensive windows, ripping off shutters, and smearing soot across the front to make the appearance of the Chateau had already been ransacked and torched

It worked surprisingly well.  Only small groups of cowardly (or greedy) goblins and orcs took a peek inside, and Felix, Brutus, and Baron Echelon's old wolf companion, Pathfinder were there to take them out.

The defense of the Chateau before Echelon and company (hopefully) arrived was of great importance.  Hiding in the empty wine cellar were  the housekeeper Zoe Loup-Alberhold and Babette de Sarista, each protecting their own small children.  If the adventurers gave them enough time, he could get the mothers and their babies to the next safer location, but for now, this was all they had.

Somewhere on the second floor was their wild card.  Mohammad had been Echelon's mentor, but a blast of divine energy turned him dumbstruck and agoraphobic.  He spent his days hiding in closets, praying to his god, Tshang Kai Ching.  But since the Echelon and company had left, he had been praying non-stop to his god, randomly pushing his legless body on a scooter, moving from room to room.  Felix didn't know if it was doing any good, but after all the fighting he still felt refreshed and awake... the normally sweaty Brutus hadn't even worked up a bead.

As the goblins moved through to the east, one lone figure moved against the flow.  Ariel the Bard had left an abortive adventuring career with our heroes to spend nights playing at the Blue Wizard Inn and spending time with the woman she loved, but now she returned as a messenger.

"Norm's army is holding off the monsters just outside the palisade, but they can't hold out much longer.  There were Spider-People among the militia!  We're very weak, I don't think the villagers will hold out, no matter how Torm and Lady Iris try to rally them."

"Lady Iris had the royal garrison swear loyalty to her, and even I'm impressed the bastards agreed. They're patrolling the other side of the village, and it's eerie.  Nobody even circles around the town, human or monster.  Hell, we haven't even heard from the halfling villages in the last day."

"Jenny and Baron Timmy are holed up in the Baronial Manor. When everything falls apart, I don't even think Echelon's fancy new trident could save them. It's sad..."

Felix had the woman shut up and guard the backdoor, while he ordered Brutus to grab some sleep.

2nd of DecDec 1072 - Chateau d'Echelon, Kingdom of Crosedes
With nightfall, the march of the monsters seemed towards Eding finally began to abate.  Felix's eyes were finally beginning to droop, but still spied the front of the estate for a troll, an orc, or even a  weakly goblin.  Nothing.  In fact, a few more of the cowardly monsters began fighting the magical call to fight and were deserting, evil instincts be damned.

Ariel peered around a second story window towards Eding.  The sounds of battle could be heard in the distance, and the fires of the village could be seen over the tree line, but it wasn't the light of wanton destruction.  Norm, his remaining soldiers, and the villagers were holding their own.

As the sun began to rise, Pathfinder sensed something outside.  He nudged the heavily snoring Brutus awake, and the snuck out the back door to investigate.


Hill, Stone, Frost, hell even Forest Giants were towering over the nearby woods, ripping up everything in their path.

Brutus alerted Felix and Ariel, and they in turn got the mothers and their children out of the wine cellar, and out past the barn.  Once there, they could work their way down a steep but hidden path towards the small stream at the bottom.  They could follow the stream out towards the swamp, where they had secured some small caves with supplies... and hopefully enough camouflage.  That was supposed to be the fall back point, if everything fell apart, the goal for everyone was to reach the caves.

But first they needed to hold off a towering army of giants.

As the other women fled to the barn, Ariel took her bow and tried to distract the creatures.  It only succeeded in making some of them mad.  What took Felix and Brutus all day to ruin the front of the Chateau, the giants' clubs did thrice-fold damage in mere seconds.  Neither Felix or Brutus were fleet of foot, but against these gargantuans, their tactics were to wound and stay out from underfoot.

As a particularly nasty stone giant walloped the back porch, Pathfinder finally had his fill of this destruction, leaping up and latching his mouth onto the being's arms.  The giant wailed in pain, but the force of his attempt to shake the wolf off sent the beast flying thirty foot high and over one hundred feet away.  Certain doom for such a basic creature, but as Pathfinder braced for impact, he found himself floating in a near-invisible cube a mere five foot off the ground.  As he gently floated  to the ground, the force-field dissipated.  Pathfinder looked around, and down a little used hunting path, he could see his master, his friend, Echelon, wielding the glowing trident Wave.
The true guardian of the Chateau had returned.

Next:  #69: The Giant Sphere of Annihilation

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