
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Mike Lung Gallery #56: Essex Miniatures as Gnomes

In an email two months ago, Mike was raving about the potential Essex Miniatures had in making gnomes.  Not all Essex figs, mind you, but there were enough oversized heads and squat bodies that:

"if one is carefully pics through the line, there are some gems to be had that IMO work extremely well as Gnomes. All they require is some really basic and easy conversions….add a pointy hat, a beard, and a round ball nose. I think they are very doable projects for someone who is a novice sculpter…all it requires is just buying some green stuff or Procreate and giving it a go. The tools I used for my conversions was an xacto knife to shape and cut and maybe a shaper tool to do some further shaping and to smooth things out."

Some comparisons, with a work in progress (2nd from left)

Edit:  An as a minor aside, this is the 2,500th post made on the blog!

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