
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 31, 2018

#RPGaDay 2018 Day 31: Why Do I Take Part in #RPGaDay?

We wrap up the 2018 #RPGaDay with a sensible question:

"Why the heck do you participate in this crazy thing?"

Back in mid-August 2014, I fell upon the inaugural RPGaDay list.  With no chance to catch up in the month itself, I reserved the 31 questions for December, a month with historically fewer posts by me.  It supplanted a #12Days program I had set up that was a Q&A session with my readers.
The original #RPGaDay
In subsequent years, I've blocked out my schedule in August for this and it's been a blast.  The questions celebrate RPGs, I pick up some diverse offerings from other participants (and follow a few more blogs), and I get to promote some the stranger fare I've learned to love.

And although I always have a wrap-up post on September 1st, I will say that I can't wait for the sixth year of RPGaDay in August 2019 and hope they return to some of the original questions with a then/now angle.

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