
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, September 1, 2018

#RPGaDay 2018 - A Retrospective

Another year, another batch of #RPGaDay completed.  A solid batch of questions that really forced me to sit down and ponder a few of them.
I'm still trying to figure out if #RPGaDay or #RPGaDay2018 was the better hashtag to support the cause.  A few people (myself included) alternated between the two, and sometimes I just threw both in for good measure.

Another thing that always amuses me is the social media impact my promotional posts/links/tweets provide to my pageviews.  For the second year in a row, publicly posting on Facebook leads the charge, followed closely behind by... Google Plus?  I netted as many new followers on Plus as I did Twitter!

This Summer I've been suffering direct attacks to specific posts from Ukranian and Italian bots, so my numbers are consistently skewed.  What I can gather after filtering out the supposed machine masters of my blog, is that this year's post have met the average hits of last year's posts.... and those posts got a 20% boost from September 2017 through July 2018.  Even discriminating against AI, the concept continues to grow.
Day-to-Day Views:  2017 did get a 20% over the past year.  No reason not to expect the same for this year.
For the sixth #RPGaDay next year, I'll leave the reader with the same suggestion I had on September 1st of last year, with an edit or two.

So, where do we go for....RPGaDay in (2019)? I say let's go back to RPGaDay 2014 questions, and use a "where are they now?" style, where applicable, for those gamers who have participated since the beginning. That wouldn't help the "Still playing only Pathfinder" crowd, but would expand answers to "Toon is still my #1 humor game, but I had a great time learning Paranoia XP." or "PbtA is soooo much better than Fate Accelerated (or vice versa)."

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