
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, September 8, 2018

(Kickstarter) Shark Hunt!

There have been a plethora of Kickstarters that, despite even the enthused pleadings of blog readers, have not won me over as worthy of a blog post (The three Lemonade Wars Kickstarters by Blind Beggar were really short campaigns... sorry Mike)

One finally pierced my armor.

Shark Hunt! is a Kickstarter by John H Kohn allowing for a printable prototype of a solo tabletop game.  The $3 pledge gets you the pdfs of the board and rules, as well as .stl files of the shark and boat for 3-D printing.  The money will be used to produce a physical product for sale.

In a world with $300 limited edition pledge levels, this is the forgotten path of online fundraising.  Pitching a few bucks towards a nostalgic looking product that may or may not see the light of day?  I'll take my chances. 

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