
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, September 8, 2018

My Event for Fall-In! 2018

Upon realizing that the deadline for the Fall-In! Preliminary Events List (PEL) was August 24th, not August 28th, I quickly assembled an event at the last minute.

The Burning of Mautonu
American Marines have landed on Samoa to try and keep the peace in the capital while a civil war rages across the rest of the islands. After a few difficult encounters while venturing out into the countryside, they are given orders to seize the small village of Mautonu.  The overland march has been easy for once, far too easy.
Saturday 10am - 3 hours - 6 players  - System: Contemptible Little Armies

Pretty much the event I was looking at running.  I do need to do a bit more research to turn a historical action into a "what if?" battle. 

On a good note, someone did update the Samoan Civil War pages on Wikipedia and no longer cite Robert Louis Stevenson as a primary source during a war that took place four years after his death. 

I'll be participating in the Battle in a Box contest as an unregistered contestant.  With my daughter Maja in tow, I can't adhere to the judging rules for Saturday.  In the spirit of the contest, I'll be ordering a 17-liter Really Useful box and trying to fill it with everything I need for a 5'x8' table.  Figures, dice, rulers, playmat, terrain, the whole nine yards. 

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