
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Twenty Five Year Journey of Magic: The Gathering in the New Yorker

Twenty five years and one month ago, a tiny Wizards of the Coast, publishing house for such 800-pound gorillas as Talislanta and The Primal Order, unveiled Magic: The Gathering onto the unwashed masses at Gencon in Milwaukee. 

After all that, the New Yorker has decided to grace us with an article about it.

Even the author admits (and cites!) that there are better stories about the early days of Magic, so a good portion of the article is about expanding diversity. 

Considering I watched two hillbilly, Confederate flag waving dudes play in tournament with Black, Gay, and Female players way back in 1995.  And I'm surprised anyone even cares about the storyline of the new sets adding diversity.  From what I've read, actual story hasn't gotten much better.

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