
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Gnomes and Fungus

Even though different gnomish cultures are developing around the globe, there are still a few constants among gnome-kind: the cycle of Wanderlust, the penchant for commoners to relegate to the traditional "gnome hat" when relaxing, and the reliance every culture has on the mushroom.  

Mushrooms as Food
No matter where the location, if there's a chance for moisture and the smallest amount ripe growing material, and dominant shade, mushrooms can grow, and with a little tending to, thrive.  
While not a main course in modern society, various types of mushrooms can be used as delicious and nutritious sides and garnishes.  

Most other races do not understand the delicate palette of a gnome and the wide array of fungus.  As a general rule, the larger the edible mushroom, the blander they are.  Generally these larger stools are harvested after years of tending and become the long-term stores for the village, similar to grain with other beings.  A well-harvested specimen can not only last for years in the stores to bolster other foodstuffs, but if kept in the right environment, can continue to grow and certain spores and cuttings can help expand future crops. 

Certain mushrooms are picked for their alchemical reactions and are highly sought after. While certain types of fungus can be poisonous to other creatures, the average gnome has built up generations of tolerance to any toxins.

Mushrooms as Building Materials:
Of course, one of the classic stereotypes of the gnome is that they all live in mushroom homes.  As we all know, gnomes are just as happy in a giant tree hollow or a house of modern construction.  In fact most areas don't offer the environment to grow gargantuan stools capable of being hollowed out and inhabited. 

For the average gnome, a mushroom house is a sign of attainable status.  It does last slightly longer, with less maintenance than your average thatch or branch hovel, and some can hold multiple families with some sense of privacy. 
Let us not forget that the stalks of most mushrooms make a sturdy, yet somewhat malleable construction material, to fill in holes or general damage.  They are quite sturdy so long as you avoid an area that's dry and sunny. 

The Dangers of Mushrooms
Something as spectacular to the gnomekind as fungus is not without its risks.  Wild animals, faerie-kin, and other outrageous creatures stake claim to specific types of mushrooms as a den, for subsistence, or simply a comfortable spot to lay in the mid-afternoon shade.  Certain select groves of mushrooms have remain unharvested for generations due to certain mundane or magical phenomenon.

Be it magical tampering, highly selective breeding, or an instinctive will to survive, some mushrooms have achieved a level of sentience rivaling the anthropomorphic mice and other lesser being.  

Call them Mykelings, Mushimen, or simply Mushroom Men, these beings can vary greatly based on what type of Mushroom first evolved into that form.  The are crude, violent, and have only the basest of ideas as to what civilized thought is.
A word to the non-martial of the gnomes: they are not fun guys to be around.  Be wary of them always. 

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